Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

How Much Paint?


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I'm getting ready to order all the paint supplies for the bucket. I'm guessing that 2-3 quarts of paint and primer should be enough? I'm going with bc/cc gloss black on frame & body. Also, I was thinking of using the Summit or Eastwood brands. Anyone have any experience?

No less than a gallon each in my opinion. Paint is usually priced where one gallon and 3 qts are about the same price. The frame will take more than you think. You want some extra in case you need to redo or touch up anything. Ex Junk has used the Summit paint with good success. I have not shot it myself, but we've used "Hot Rod Paint" from a regional swap vendor and its been really good considering the $70 price.
If you have a friend who runs a body shop , you might consider asking if he'll mix/furnish what you need , that way you won't be saddled w/ more than you need . Even better , he might let you shoot in the booth on the weekend ! That's what I did , it's good to have friends !
I used Summit paint and epoxy direct-to-metal primer. A gallon of epoxy and a gallon of hardener was more than enough. Used a full gallon of paint and part or a quart. Did not paint the bottom or inside the trunk. I have a 27T which is a bit bigger than a 23T. Also used a quart of metallic grey for the radius rods, front axle and windshield frame. To be safe, if all one color get two gallons of paint.
Depends on how straight your body is and how straight you want it.

I went though 1.5 gallons of Evercoat Slicksand getting my body straight. But it is really straight, guide coat, 600 wet, with long blocks straight. I also was spraying a metallic so it needed to be pretty straight to get a good paint job.

As for the paint itself. (This is for the body only, the frame was separate)

I bought a 1 gallon kit of base which = 2 gallons of sprayable as it was a 1:1 mix.
I also bought a 1 gallon kit of clear which worked out to 1.5 gallons of sprayable clear.

I have 3/4 of both kits left.

It was cheaper to buy the gallon kits over buying 2 qts.

The clear was 3 (or 4) times more expensive as the base.

When I went paint shopping I told the paint guy that I was going to wetsand/polish the clear so I bought a mid-high grade clearcoat.

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