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27 bodies ?


New Member
Well now that dads 24 is done I have got the itch to build a 27 .
Do you guys have any experiance with Poli Form's tub ?
I think its between Poli Form or Spirit.
Any other sugestions ?
I want two doors and a trunk.
I'm finishing a poliform 27--their bodies are pretty nice. I have working doors and a working trunk. My body is one of their stretched ones, and I like the extra couple inches. One word of advice--pay to have the doors already swinging--I did the work myself and it was a real pain in the ass!

I have never looked at a Spirit 27 in person, but I did have one of their 23 turtle-deck bodies--the quality was decent (especially for the price), but not as good as my polifirm body.

Here is a shot of the body shortly after I got it, and one as it is now:
Thanks 409T-- It going to the interior shop in a week--then get the bugs worked out--I hope to be cruizing in May!
That's a sweet ride, Ben!
i have used the polyform bodies and with good results. if your not in a hurry, find their show schedual and buy it at a show or rod trot. you can get a better price and no shipping.

Ben T and Youngster , Thanks for your input.
Ben your Roadster is wonderful.
Any one want to chime in on the spirit 27 Body ?
Polyform was at bonneville a couple of years ago. His bodies met the specifications that SCTA uses. I don't remember if it was in august or the oct trials.
Nice name....:hooray:

Hope to see pic's my friend.
Al said:

Agh-ha! And I just thought old age was kicking my a$$ again!

We have Track t and we have Track-T :confused:

It just goes to show you, Al, that capitalization IS important when communicating on the computer.

oldtman said:
Polyform was at bonneville a couple of years ago. His bodies met the specifications that SCTA uses. I don't remember if it was in august or the oct trials.

That's good to know. I have been wondering which body came closest to the original dimensions. SCTA rules don't allow too much tolerance. I guess I'll save up for a Poli-form body.
Track-t Sorry ! :sad:
I didn't do my home work befor picking a name.
I have corected it with the webmaster and Will Now Be FlatheadTrackT.
Hope I didn't Step on anyones Toes.
So , Back on topic. I was going to put a quickchange that I have in the 27. Any one able to give me some overall width @ the rear axle area of the Spirit and Poli Form 27 body ?
I won't be able to measure the body width of my Poliform body today, but It has a S10 Blazer rear axle that is about 58".

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