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I’m sorry, but the added cost of owning a ev plus the battery replacement will offset any savings most think they will realize. Hopefully you can get all of your running done in 200 miles too. The highest I’ve seen was less than 400 advertised and that was a high dollar European model. Meanwhile China and India are forging full speed ahead building new coal burning power plants... green my eye! Sorry, but I don’t buy the propaganda.
To clarify, I’m not being argumentative, just stating my view. I don’t wish to offend or stifle anyone’s views. This force feeding of politically motivated everything by our government has worn a sore spot on me, lol! I don’t have the answer, but question everything.
The Chevy Bolt has an MSRP of $32K. The Nissan Leaf starts at $28k. All EVs sold in the USA have a minimum 8-year or 100,000 mile warranty on the battery. Life expectancy is 10-20 years. Meanwhile all the car makers and their suppliers are working on batteries that will last longer, charge faster, hold more energy and be cheaper than today's li-ion. Nothing drives innovation like competition.
I believe we are actually experiencing a climate change. I think it's a natural occurrence. I believe the earth is merely evolving. I remember reading about the ICE AGE when i was in school. Some fragments of the ice age still remain (Antarctica). Most of the ice age has disappeared. I am definitely in favor of breathing clean air , drinking clean water & eating food that is toxin free. CARBON removing plants can be built in the dirtiest locations to clean up the air. Hydrogen producing plants can also be built to step up production of hydrogen. More trees can be planted to convert carbon dioxide into oxygen. There are ALTERNATE routes that can be pursued.
This video covers three arguments about EV vs ICE vehicles.

1. Doesn't Producing Car Batteries Produce A Lot of Emissions ?
2. Aren't Electric Cars Powered By Fossil Fuels , Offsetting Any Emission Benefits ?
3. Isn't Lithium Mining Terrible For The Environment ?

Indy, where do I find this guy on YouTube? He is terrific, with lots of hard facts and no baloney.
He does talk about lithium, but doesn't go into the work being done with new battery chemistry that uses cheap abundant materials. Imagine what is coming for EVs, considering we've barely started to do.
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I don’t have the answer, but question everything.
Me too, Fletch. The internet has unleashed every nut case to shout their goofy beliefs, and sadly humans are attracted to the loudest and most outrageous would-be "experts." Witness Trump, a big-mouth sociopath who lies about anyone and anything that doesn't fall in with him. End of my rant.
So I try to pick out the facts and present them with no agenda. Unfortunately when I start to spout numbers many eyes glaze over. How many times have I heard "I hate math," or "I don't believe scientists." Jeez, without math and science we would still be living in caves.
Me too, Fletch. The internet has unleashed every nut case to shout their goofy beliefs, and sadly humans are attracted to the loudest and most outrageous would-be "experts." Witness Trump, a big-mouth sociopath who lies about anyone and anything that doesn't fall in with him. End of my rant.
So I try to pick out the facts and present them with no agenda. Unfortunately when I start to spout numbers many eyes glaze over. How many times have I heard "I hate math," or "I don't believe scientists." Jeez, without math and science we would still be living in caves.
Lol... no agenda, lol... that’s funny! Everything is powered by some agenda even if we try to rise above. Trump doesn’t hold a patent on anything except being the most publicized “enemy” of the political establishment... which should scream to those who choose to trust the main stream propaganda spewers, or worse, our government, but that’s just my view. Sort of like the double standards on full display that are seemingly being gobbled up by so many. It takes a fighter to fight. He exposed much... to what personal gain? I hate politics, but I hate CAREER politicians more. If anyone can’t see the fuel price/EV push that’s being played out, I have no words. Not that alternative energy is bad, it’s long overdue, this “green energy” push however, is clearly about green backs, not green leaves... and America is being fleeced, which being American, I firmly stand against. We have and are being controlled by big oil/energy via our money, do you honestly believe anything could ever allow that revenue to be ignored? It’s simply being fought for by the power brokers. Mark my words: it will not benefit common citizens of any nation. Personally, I think most of us want much the same things but our opinions are skewed by the various perspectives that are being forced on us by those who wish to control us and our money. As with everything, I look at the science... I also look past it to see the incentives (agendas) behind it and more often than not the true motivations are hidden and the actual cost/benefit factors seldom see the light of day. ie: msm, google, and fact checkers... EVs are of zero use to me or most that I know at present based on mileage limitations. I live in a rural setting, far from the cities. I don’t have a daily commute, but 200 miles is not extreme when I do my running. I will admit that battery technology has come a long way, but there is much behind the scenes and the constant evolution demonstrates the need for much more research. Also, none of the small personal pods being produced would suit me. I drive a truck. I do agree that competition incentivizes invention and often benefits consumers... POTUS Trump shares those values, especially in the health insurance realm. I appreciate and enjoy your input. Back to buckets!
I believe we are actually experiencing a climate change. I think it's a natural occurrence. I believe the earth is merely evolving. I remember reading about the ICE AGE when i was in school. Some fragments of the ice age still remain (Antarctica). Most of the ice age has disappeared. I am definitely in favor of breathing clean air , drinking clean water & eating food that is toxin free. CARBON removing plants can be built in the dirtiest locations to clean up the air. Hydrogen producing plants can also be built to step up production of hydrogen. More trees can be planted to convert carbon dioxide into oxygen. There are ALTERNATE routes that can be pursued.
Good point. I don’t know anyone who wishes to harm our environment but we are seemingly forced into one camp or the other if we balk at the latest fad trends. What I find to be very telling is how many environmental mandates forced upon consumers aren’t forced on industry or they are given back door escape clauses, like carbon credits. Seems to me that if anyone was serious about the environment, as opposed to using it to control us pawns, they would start at the top where the majority of pollution is produced. Also, why does the rest of the planet get a pass on it? The likes of China, India, etc are producing much more pollution than American consumers. Funny, we can’t make it because the epa bans production yet it’s produced in foreign countries with substandard processes and materials, often with child labor, and shipped globally to be sold right here where it’s deemed harmful. Yeah, double standards tell the actual tale.
EVs are of zero use to me or most that I know at present based on mileage limitations. I live in a rural setting, far from the cities. I don’t have a daily commute, but 200 miles is not extreme when I do my running. I will admit that battery technology has come a long way, but there is much behind the scenes and the constant evolution demonstrates the need for much more research. Also, none of the small personal pods being produced would suit me. I drive a truck.
Yep, there is no one-size-fits-all. For the guy who drives a lot, a gas vehicle could be the better choice. There are EV trucks, but they are not cheap. But for those who drive 50 miles/day and want a sedan or SUV, an EV might be the best choice.
Lol... no agenda, lol...
There are lots of agendas out there. But I don't have one. I have 5 gas cars and love 'em. But my next daily driver will be an EV. I want to experience the difference, and I will watch closely to see if it was a good idea.
I have electric assist in my trike. Does that make me a bad guy? I hope they can figure out cheaper batteries before the EV are mandatory.
A neighbor was charged $28,000 to replace her Chevy EV battery. She left the car at the dealership.
Yep, there is no one-size-fits-all. For the guy who drives a lot, a gas vehicle could be the better choice. There are EV trucks, but they are not cheap. But for those who drive 50 miles/day and want a sedan or SUV, an EV might be the best choice.

There are lots of agendas out there. But I don't have one. I have 5 gas cars and love 'em. But my next daily driver will be an EV. I want to experience the difference, and I will watch closely to see if it was a good idea.
I wasn’t inferring that you had a personal agenda, only that most topics are agenda driven. I’m a die hard skeptic. Experience has been a cruel teacher... faith and trust be damned!
I think I will pass on that one !

You mean like now, except it's when you want your A/C, so what's the difference ?

Would you drive a an EV for your grand kids ?

You wouldn't trust me ?

What is A/C ?

No ! I wouldn't ! That wouldn't work for them- their jobs and way of life.

My son has a hybrid and I wouldn't give 2 cents for one. He paid $1000.00 for the car and a used battery cost him $3000,00. Charged $500.00 disposal fee.

If it is forced on us citizens, then people in cold climates will be sol. No battery made to date doesn't do well in - freezing weather If going green means not for me, but there, then I will be stuck at home.

May need to build a Hoover cart ?
To bad this thing produces methane
Opinions are like belly buttons. We all have one! I'm keeping mine to myself. I enjoy reading each of your responses. I don't want to start a war of words. You (I) can see both sides of the argument.I think us being car guys we tend to lean in one direction. I'm sure the tree hugging, non- car guys, could give a flying f**k about us crying about electric vs. gasoline cars. Electric airplanes! Where does the pilot land on his way to Europe, flying over the Atlantic, to stop for the battery charge?
At least if the electric mother ship craps out along the way it won't sink from no power. It might float aimlessly til someone finds it, but no sinking involved!

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