Been doing a complete make over of the bucket. Included is work on the brakes. Last summer the brakes worked great would lock up the wheels if applied hard enough. Some info about the system; my m,aster cylinder is mounted on the fire wall with a hanging pedal, originally the brake lines ran along the bottom of the body to the top of the diff from there the lines went to the rear wheels. Teh line form the MC to the TEE was 1/4" then changed to 3/16". I changed all the lines to 3/16". Changed the routing to follow the frame up the kick up then TEE'd to the wheels. Except for the line size and routing nothing has changed, pedal and MC are the same geometry is the same. I cannot seem to get the rear brakes to bleed properly constantly get bubbles out the bleeder and no action on the wheel cylinders. There are no leaks in the system have gone back and checked all the fittings they are tight. Front brakes bled like they should getting action on the disc pads. Not getting any good pedal, goes to the floor. What am I over looking? Not doing right? No leaks any where including wheel cylinders. Can't afford the fluid the bleeding process is taking. HELP!