Those pesky little details, lol... one of my first cars had a bad engine knock. Being naive and young, but knowing everything and having more energy than sense, my cousin and I tore it down and found the problem...we then pulled a piston and rod from another junk engine and put it together. Amazingly, it ran pretty good and lasted over a year of abusive driving. It had a “lifter tick” that I just couldn’t adjust out. I would occasionally try, it would quiet down, but always came back. Well, upon examination of the engine after it finally died, I discovered the distributor hold down clamp that my cousin misplaced when we replaced the piston and rod. We looked everywhere for it and had to scavenge one from the other motor. Apparently, it had been rattling around on top of the number 5 intake valve until it became small enough to hold it open and you know the rest. I’m still amazed by how long that piece meal 302 held up. I ran it as fast as it would go every day for a 30 mile trip to and from school and work... back then you could still drive on secondary roads... not much traffic. I hate venturing out today, never an enjoyable drive, it seems.