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Antique plate question

Do you have an antique plate ?

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I don't think anyone is trying to circumvent any laws but asking for some clarity, sometimes they can be confusing and actually contradict themselves. When I applied for my title and plates here in Illinois I towed my bucket over to the DMV and asked what I had to do to register it (never did anything like that before). They looked at it and started asking questions which I answered honestly. Where I got it (built it), what make it was (Ford), the year (1923) etc. They never questioned the fact that there were no fenders, doors, windshield wipers, bumpers etc. I was never asked anything about the motor (I'm on my 4th) or transmission (2nd). When they were satisfied that they had all the information they needed they issued me a serial number and license plate (antique, which I didn't request) up until that time I never knew they had antique license plates. I have had my bucket titled and licensed as an antique here in Illinois for 45 years and have never been questioned or had a problem with it.

If Illinois has not already passed a SEMA law; start an effort to get then to do so. Ask them to pattern it after the Missouri law which has provisions for Street Rods and Custom Vehicles. These are different than antique vehicles which one would assume are truly original antiques, not custom built cars with a replica body.

Good thing I have thick skin, because reading some of those posts could make a guy feel that way.

I guess maybe my opening statement in one of my post's wasnt worded the best and wasnt PERFECTLY clear so it left too much room for an open interpretation.
"Just so everyone knows, even before I started this post , my mind was made up to apply for Antique plates. Im just fishing to see what pitfalls others may have encountered."


This was just meant to be a conversation, Thats all.
In Illinois you can register a newly built car as a "STREET ROD".

Mines 32 yrs old , registered as a "1980 , Ford , Convertable, AND even though Missouri ( the state it came from) and Illinois BOTH say its registered WRONG, neither state is willing to fix the title.

But thats not what this post is about.

Im just curious as to know if other have issues with using antique plates.
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