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anyone running 33's?

Q-4000 said:
I am wanting to get a bit of a lift but don't want to mess with the suspension too much anyone run a 33" out back I know there are the MT's and Hooser that are WIDE I was wondering if i could use a 33X12.5 BGF AT has anyone tried this?

Not sure how TALL my BFG's are....(I forget details..) I have a set of 285X15 on the rear, 155X15 front.
I see a lot of 32's out there running the same size tires, and I liked the look of the big and little but I didn't want the "Lawn Rollers"....."BH"
Keeper said:
I am, but they are on my 4x4 :D


IMO I would think some BFG AT's would be a bit much for a T.
nice looking truck! I was looking at the BFG's because i know my T weighs about the same as my TJ (everything had been striped out of it was running 35" Boggers at the end) and they ran good on there i dont want a 16"+ wide wheel but would like the back to be up a bit more plus the at's can be found CHEEP!
what about them? I run 33 and 34" dirttrackers. With tall tires a lower gear will help. I got a 4.30 rear gear an it fine.

Baby Huey, what size rims are you running with those. I actually like the looks of those on there. I was looking at the 15x15 with the lawn rollers but I have some rims already that may look good as yours.
In my experience, if you have 15" rims, the recommendation from all that I looked at they have a warning about anything taller than 31". I would guess 16" rims would work for 33" tall tires.
I'm planning on running 33x13x15 McCreary's. Or go with something comprable in a drag radial tire.
Baby Huey said:
Not sure how TALL my BFG's are....(I forget details..) I have a set of 285X15 on the rear, 155X15 front.
I see a lot of 32's out there running the same size tires, and I liked the look of the big and little but I didn't want the "Lawn Rollers"....."BH"

I was looking for those, I think BFG dropped that size. I think Coker makes them in a wide white though
Those tires that Baby Huey has are the same that I am running. They are 285/70 x 15. They have an OD of 30.70" with a section width of 11.22". Mine are mounted on 10" rims which is what most highboy '32's use. With the 165/80 x 15 up front, I have the look that I was after. The sad part is that they no longer make the 285/70 x 15 so I hope that these last for a L-O-N-G time.
LumenAl "I used to run the 285/70 x 15 ones too... in fact they are on T-odds car!"

This is true... and here they are in Street Rodder magazine!


Hard to find ANY D.O.T. Radial tire larger than 31" Diameter that has a nice tread for those of us that like to drive more than a couple hundred miles. ;P
Here's the 33x13x15 McCrearys on my project.


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