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Apologies for the brief downtime


Well-Known Member
I had the forum down for an upgrade of the vBulletin software this morning. We were only down about 10 minutes, so I hope it didn't cause any major inconveniences.

All of the forum scripts have been updated to the latest and greatest, so we should be good to go for a bit.
thanks mike...kudo's to ya!!!!!

Thanks Mike. I like how you work while I sleep. The cable company starts in right after midnight. It gets me so fired up, oh well, skip it.

Mike, you're aces bud! :thumbsup:
Thanks mike for all your hard work. And i would also like to comment on how great it feels to see everyone that is posting has a contributor badge WAY TO GO BOYS. I would also like to suggest the contributor button run for one calender year. I think this would be a good spring board for those of us to continue our support with the button as a reminder of our status on contributions.JMO
No they are so far south around oklahoma city, This whole state is a tender box right now so many blackjack trees here and they might as well be soaked in gas they burn like the christmas tree in christmas Vacation. But thanks for the concern bro.
rooster57 said:
No they are so far south around oklahoma city, This whole state is a tender box right now so many blackjack trees here and they might as well be soaked in gas they burn like the christmas tree in christmas Vacation. But thanks for the concern bro.

I got an email from my cousin in Harrah last night. She was a bit concerned. Her husband drives a fuel truck. I told her to have him drive real fast.
Yes that area is very close to the fires they have been tring to put out. the local news said east of Midwest city quite a few homes have burnt up. Of course in oklahome the most dangerous part of a house fire is when the tires explode. HA HA I went to MWC highschool and worked at Tinker at night so i know the area well.
Why do most of the mobile homes in the world sit in tornado alley; Texas, Oklahoma, Missouri? When I lived in Enid I was going down 81 to OKC and I saw a trailer chassis on a lot just south of either Hennesey or Kingfisher. On previous trips south I remember a mobile home sitting on that frame. I lived in a mobile home just outside of Enid at the time and many a time I sat on my patio watching the funnel cloud form up and them go back into the clouds. One afternoon one of them touched down in the wheat field just to the south of me. I packed up and went to a friend's house and his shelter (complete with wet bar, ice maker and stocked fridge). I still love Oklahoma though and would move back in a heartbeat. Hijack over. Back to the topic at hand.
I will tellya i have traveled all over and i make fun of Oklahoma. But i love the tulsa area its NOTHING like the west side of the state. And the cost of living is great, housing is cheep compared to most of the rest of the country. Your right Hijack Over sorry.

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