Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

ATTN SteelShot a.k.a Steel Shot


Well-Known Member
1. Yes, your fouled up your e-mail address in your initial registration attempt.

2. You needed to correct the address, rather than registering a second account. I view multiple registration attempts as being possible pranksters, trying to play games.

3. Your Internet Service Provider has set up some ridiculous rules in their spam filter, which is blocking e-mail messages from this domain. I'll wager you didn't even know they had those filters set up, did you? I always find it impressive when a service provider takes it upon themselves to determine what e-mails their customers should and should not receive. Yessir, those are the kinds of people I really want to do business with. OK, so that was a lie.

Apologies for having to post this here, rather than sending you an e-mail, but that takes us back to point #3, above.

If you want to continue trying to successfully register on this forum, please follow the instructions, below -

1. Sign into Webmail.
2. On the left navigation menu, click Address Book.
3. Click Add Contact.
4. Under the General tab, in the box under the Email Address, enter our email address
5. Click the Add button.

If you have enabled Restrict Incoming Email, also do the following:
1. Sign into Webmail.
2. Select Preferences.
3. Select Restrict Incoming Email. Note: If Enable Email Controls is set to Yes, then you are restricting incoming emails.
4. Select Allow email from addresses listed below.
5. Enter our email address, and click the Add button.

The address you will want to enter will be admin at this domain.

Once you have managed to work your way around your ISP's draconian filters, you will then need to request another confirmation e-mail be sent to you. And you'll see how to do that, in the notification being displayed to you on every page of the forums. You have five days left to do this, before the forum software automatically drops your account.

I have deleted the SteelShot account. Please, do not register any more accounts.

     Ron Pope Motorsports                Advertise with Us!     