Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Photo Software and Resizing


Well-Known Member
I spent some time looking for FREE software that would do the minimum and had good drawing tools, including Text Tool, Cropping Tool, Resizing Tool and Saving with Variable Quality. PaintNet software fit those requirements very nicely and seems to be made in USA; their mailing address is Kirkland, Washington.

You can download the software from my personal NAS (Network Attached Storage) and bypass the confusing website that tries to trick you into downloading other things. After installing, if it asks you to update to the latest version, then go ahead and proceed.

Download the Software Below:

Paint.NET - Download

If you need to reduce the file size (reduce resolution) of the image, then you will need to do that before saving.

The main window looks like the image below.
Resizing the Image:
- There are 7 pull down menus at the top/left of the window, select "Image/Resize".
- Set the "Width" to 800 - 1000.
- Click on "OK"


- That's all there is to resizing an image to the proper size.

Saving and Reducing File Size:
- From the pull down menus, select "File/Save As".
- In the new window that pops up, browse to where you want to save your file and Click "Save".


- Set Quality between 30-50
- Click on "OK"
- You are done and ready to post to the website.

This should help the website administrator keep the amount of storage needed to a minimum and therefore his costs.
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Because of security reasons I had to disable this link above. Someone tried to login to my NAS over a thousand times.

Therefore this is how to download the PaintNet software. Click the link below, then click on " 4.x.xx" in the graphic below.


Not sure what version of windows (if you are even using windows) everyone has, but I have xp on one computer and win 10 on some others. They all have ms picture editor. It will let you crop, resize, tint, just about everything you may want to do to photos.
Do you mean Paint ?
No Rick, it is call Microsoft Office Picture Manager. Pretty simple to use, especially if you want to resize photos. I sometime will resize 90 to 100 photos a time. I crop most of my car show photos to do away with a bunch of asphalt or sky. I resize to 640x480 for the web sites I manage.
If for some reason it is not on your windows, it is free download. Just type in Windows Office Picture Manager in your search bar.
I have win 10. I open the picture, right click, and there's a drop down that says "resize" Choose the size you want.There are 3 choices or you can customize the image size . I found that when I first joined here and couldn't post due to file size issues.
The advantage of PaintNet over MS Picture manager is the ability to annotate your photos. It can do arrows and text to draw attention to what you are discussing.

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