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Battery cable question

While I do enjoy making some Killer KickButt Solder cables and adapters, from going from one size cable to another or having 2 smaller cables into 1 big one, heres a adapter I used, its on page 7.....,0,800
Now, they also have the mechan. cable connectors for those not wanting to use crimp lugs, they also carry split loom, wire ties, heat shrink, and all other manner of stuff you might like or see useful.
It said I expired my edit time....oh well.
Painless and others have the adapters and all also. But, nothing beats a good clean well tinned properly soldered joint. I put anti corrosive on them, then heatshrink then tape....that way I don't have to see it again for years.
Keep those joints good and tight, clean and protected.
Corrosion and loose terminals turn all those amps that you use to start your car into heat and resistance that can destroy your new alternator, starter, electonic ignition or melt the insulation off those wires.
Well Jimbo, Since I do have the Kick Butt Tig Setup, I just close it up with the TIG, but have used a copper washer and soldered it on top and bottom of the lugs. But they do also make those lugs with all kinds of different sized holes in them. They do make a special washer for that purpose, from a electric supply house. Its called a shim washer or a cheek washer, its made from copper also, and adapts the hole to a smaller stud size

I use to solder pennies over the holes. Helped with corrosion.

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