Well, as long as your fuel tank is vented outside the bed and you have no sparks being created by something like a bad ground or loose cable, you should be ok. Your Optima doesn't "gas" like wet batteries, so there are no explosive fumes from it to worry about.
Gas fumes can be a real problem, even fueling up a car or boat you can blow yourself up because of static electricity from the gas going through the fill hose. They say you need to keep the metal nozzle in constant contact with the metal fill pipe so no sparks jump across the gap.
My '27 is done like you described, the fuel tank and battery are both under the turtle deck, but there seems to be enough airflow through that area so I don't get a concentration of fumes. I also put the vent hose to the side so the fumes kind of blow away.
One good thing is that the gasoline we buy today doesn't seem to have the same kick it did years ago.
