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Body choice?

I haven't bought either one yet but I like TP dash a little better than spirit's. I like the 6 gauge better than the 2.

Hey Mike,

Can you tell how excited I am about this T-Bucket Forum? I can't stop typing.:o Hope I not boring everyone.

I'm going with the K&S Stretch. It's a bunch more expensive, but I'd say I'm going to get what I pay for. Full fiberglass floor, functional door and hardware. Just a beautiful piece of work.
I noticed a standard T-Bucket body with door from K&S Custum start at $825. That is half the price of TP body. Would that body fit a TP Chassis I wonder?

thomas:confused: :pray:
thomas said:
Would that body fit a TP Chassis I wonder?

I'm sure it will. The critical dimension is the firewall where the body is the narrowest. As far I have can tell, all bodies are 26.5" wide at the firewall.

From the K&S Custom site:

The Stretch body dimensions are: 26.5" wide (firewall) - 48" wide (seat) - 54" long - 29" tall (dash top)​

I think I'll look into that K&S body before I make my final choice. I've waiting to find out the cost of a frame from them also.

I went to Rick's house in Taylor, MI. yesterday and checked out his T. It is sweet. I've decided when I purchase my kit, it will be with the anniversary body. It was very comfortable to sit in. Meet Rick for the first time yesterday, great guy. I know we will be friends, we live only about 10 mile apart. It's great to know someone who has gone through building a T. You can learn from there mistakes.

That's cool, Thomas. Definately take advantage of the knowledge. The guy I met who has one lives clear on the other side of Houston and that is kinda far with the price of gas, but he has told me to buzz him for tips and advice. So far the rodders I have met in the last month are very positive when you get to know them. It reminds me of when I was young and used to hang out. Noboby wanted to talk to you unless you were driving or building something, otherwise you're a tourist.:rock: It sounds mean, but it's just the way it is for some reason. The first meet up I went to, the greetings were short, but cordial. Then I showed up with my build book and the advice and tips came flowing! Go figure.
Rick was telling me, when you first start your project, you will have to chase people out of your garage with a broom. Everyone wants to help. I hope I have a dozen T's around my home most weekends. Can't imagine a cooler site in a neighbor hood.

That's the thing, Thomas, everyone who is into cars has at one time or another dreamt or thought of building one. The way THEY wanted. The color THEY wanted. With NO rules! My boss gave me a real weird look when I asked to use some warehouse space and what I wanted to use it for. When the frame came, he just kinda ignored it. But then, pieces kept showing up. Then he started asking questions. When the front end got installed, he all of a sudden had advice on wheel styles! The day I rolled my chassis out into the sun for the first time, he was like, "Damn, you REALLY are going to do this, aren't you?":lol: I said yea, take some pics for me! Every payday he wants to know what's coming next! Gotta love it.
Hi Nailbomb: Everthing that I have read about his bodies has been very positive. The design of the modified's is definitely a little different, but I was thinking about them and looking at the site last night, unfortunately they did not have a display at Louisville. A friend of mine at work knows Zipp and I am going to talk to him when I get to work this morning, also I am going to order the assembly video today. Hopefully some other members might have some additional information.
Just some thoughts on your body choices.Standard Bucket?Or Totals Anniversary Body?Here are a couple of my car i like the Anniversary Body because of the high back and the low sides good for us old farts to get in and out.

Rick is right about the low sides. I'm so short that when I sit down on a curb my feet dangle. And I had no trouble getting into his "T".

OK, I'm new here, but not to T buckets. Built my first one in '65. been involved in over a dozen, either my own or someone elses. I've used bodies from several sorces, Total, Speedway, Bird, Anderson Ind. and MAS. They all have their plus' and minus'. The last 4 have been from MAS, mostly because I live 45 minutes from them. The point is by the time you get your sweat equity into them, there really isn't that much difference between them.

My body is from Norwoods Fiberglass in Sevierville TN. They no longer have the mold. But it is stretched 8" then we split it down the middle and made it 6" wider, so you can get some really comfortable seats in the thing. My other 2 buckets the bodies came from Hermans Fast Glass in Knoxville TN.
Youngster said:
OK, I'm new here, but not to T buckets. Built my first one in '65. been involved in over a dozen, either my own or someone elses. I've used bodies from several sorces, Total, Speedway, Bird, Anderson Ind. and MAS. They all have their plus' and minus'. The last 4 have been from MAS, mostly because I live 45 minutes from them. The point is by the time you get your sweat equity into them, there really isn't that much difference between them.


I disagree 100% all bodys are not the same.Some are stretched,some are like mine ,some have extra leg room so there is a difference in the body you start out with.And there is a direct corelation between what you bought and how much you have to put into it before it's right and buying one that is is ALMOST the way you want it my last T was an MAS and to me it was Junk.No winshield on the market fit it and the posts were a nightmare trying to fit them to that body was a nightmare i ended up giving it away to my brother inlaw.So all i can say is BUYER BE AWARE.

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