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Body Design


New Member
Hey, I'm currently working on a bucket with my dad and were about to start work on the cab. I want to use aluminum sheets and bend the aluminum with an English wheel and other tools.I was wondering if anyone else has tried this, or if its even worth it. Another option is to wrap the car with a metal looking vinyl. Not sure if anyone has tried that and if so how it would turn out.
I remember somebody doing it but I don’t remember if it was aluminum or steel. It would be a real challenge especially if you have never done it. Sounds fun but I’m to old to start a project like that! Maybe you should start with a ‘glass body and build a track nose and turtle deck and hood.
There was a whole series on YouTube about a guy that made a Model A roadster body using aluminum sheet. He made wooden bucks (molds/ forming dies)) and formed the sheet around those bucks. It looked like an ungodly amount of time and work. A ton of time just to make the bucks. Maybe someone on this site (Spanky, is that you?) that might remember. You should try to find it. You might change your mind! The glass bodies from our sponsors are not that expensive.
Welcome, GT. Glad you've joined us. I agree with the above comments that it would be mighty ambitious for even an experienced builder to create a T body from scratch. I admire the motivation, but having built one myself even using a 'glass body and pre-welded frame, there's still a ton of stuff to do to bring one to completion. See my build pics elsewhere on this site.

Some pics from my build

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