Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Brand New!


New Member
Hello all, I'm new to this. I have 23T, 350 with a T400 trans. Love to drive and am still tinkering on it to make it just a little better.

Dave and Chaz, my father and his wife are out there in Mesa during the winter months. Is is still cruising weather? Yeah, I know, dumb question.
Jump in and enjoy the board.
Hey todd, its 54 degrees right now at 11:30 in the morning, sunny outside, still cruising weather to me, might get a little warmer later on. chaz
Welcome to the forum Dave, you're going to find building your bucket was the easy part it's the tinkering that's the killer. It took me 2 years to build mine and I've spent the next 38 years tinkering with it and I'm still not done.
Pics of Slavind's ride posted in his gallary...




Good looking ride for sure :thumbsup:
Welcome, This is a great site for T-Bucket info. I used to enjoy the weather in Az, I move to Michigan from Mesa in 2001 with the hope of retiring in 5 years and returning to Mesa, but that hasn't worked out.
t-4-2 said:
Welcome, This is a great site for T-Bucket info. I used to enjoy the weather in Az, I move to Michigan from Mesa in 2001 with the hope of retiring in 5 years and returning to Mesa, but that hasn't worked out.

Where in Michigan?
Welcome to the site. Nice ride!

Hey Telman2, Isn't your statement true about everything in or out and all around the house? Its been that way around here for a long time. LOL

Telman2Re: Brand New!
Welcome to the forum Dave, you're going to find building your bucket was the easy part it's the tinkering that's the killer. It took me 2 years to build mine and I've spent the next 38 years tinkering with it and I'm still not done.

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