OK, OK, it is clear something is broken in this forum. The flipping wheels are coming off. And I don't know a kind, polite, friendly way to put them back on, because no matter how it is done, people are going to get their feelings hurt, they are going to develop boo-boo lips and they are going to storm out of here.
The whole point of building a forum community is the build it, not to tear it down.
But the point about building up community also comes down to providing good, solid, and truthful information (read: facts) for people who are really wanting to learn. Spewing fallacy accomplishes nothing, other than forcing people who have been deceived by the fertilizer to throw good money after bad.
And let me tell you, boys and girls, this thread is the absolute epitome of fallacy and deception. I am not trying to say anyone has intentionally or deliberately confused fact and fallacy, but it sure has been happening. Over and over and over, ad nauseum.
At the end of the day, the buck stops here. And please note, I did not say bucks, as in dollars. When things go bad, that's on me. When someone confuses myths for facts, that's on me. And if people are going to create constant hives of baloney, drivel and outright nonsense in this forum section, then I am going to close it down.
I've had some forum members approach me, via the back channel, asking if it would not be best to identify the bullshit in this thread. But, to a person, they have all suggested that it be done without singling anyone out. Any of us here with more than 19 seconds of machine shop/engine building experience are immediately going to see that if I start identifying the rubbish and the tripe in this post, then it is going to primarily lead to one person being affronted. Because this single individual has been missing the mark, from one end of this thread to the other. I'm not trying to say this thread contains some of the most ill-advised and foolish statements I've ever read, but the son-of-a-gun is sure packed with ludicrous statements and observations.
What is so hard about learning the lesson that it is better to keep one's mouth shut and be thought a fool, than it is to open one's mouth and remove all doubt?
I have had it with sitting here, and reading this nonsense, up to my eyebrows. It is going to end. By whatever means necessary. I reckon if I have to wade through this thread, one post and a time, and call the bullshit, everywhere I see it, then that is what is going to have to happen. I really am trying to find a polite and friendly solution to this problem. I can be the asshole, because that is my nature, but if there is a kinder and gentler way to fix things, then I want to explore that option. If we cannot fix things that way, then the only other realistic solution I can see from here is to close this forum down, and stop allowing people to talk about subjects they clearly know nothing about.
What really grinds my gears is that there are some useful nuggets of information in this thread. The majority of them have gone overlooked, and have been lost in the flood of garbage. I don't want those members to think their efforts to help are not appreciated. But it seems like every stinkin' time someone starts one of these threads, common sense flies in the face of stupidity, and we end up with the same result.
So, you tell me, people. How shall we move forward with this conundrum? Shall I start picking out the absurdities and calling them out for what they are? Shall I just lock this thread, with a sign reading, "Toilet out of order"? Shall I just close down the engines forum, so we prevent this idiocy from ever happening again?
What is your pleasure?