Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Busted Radiator

Do it like Rick's picture shows. A shroud makes all the difference in the world when it comes to cooling, it forces the pulled air to go clear across the entire radiator instead of in the pattern of the circle where the fan is. Keep the shroud spaced about 1/2 inch back from the fins and mount the fan to the shroud. I only use SPAL fans because they out cool any other I have found, and last well too.

Here is how we built one for my Son's 23 T.


First we bent up some 18 gauge into a cookie pan shape


So that it fit the radiator and covered the entire core.


Then cut a hole in it and welded on studs for the fan to mount to.


And this is what it ended up looking like.


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