Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               



Hey Fred, Rick and MIke

I just got home from Targets where I finely bought me a camera. I hope I can post some pictures tomorrow.

Great move, Thomas. I need to get with some new tech, but I'm just old fashioned and stingy.:rolleyes:

Oh, you owe us a LOT of pics.;)
You're happening now Thomas.Nice pics keep them coming
Thanks again for the pics, Thomas! You're looking good and have done a lot. You got any of your engine yet?
Thanks guys. I've been working on the body myself, so my next purchase is going to be the windshield and 32 chopped grill. After that I'll get my radiator, than drop in the engine and tranny.:lol:

Well with everyone going to a chopped '32 grille i'm going back to my plan of 5 years ago that is to chop down a "STOCK" steel 23 shell one of which i have.At least then we won't be called the chopped '32 grille forum.LOL
Rick said:
Well with everyone going to a chopped '32 grille i'm going back to my plan of 5 years ago that is to chop down a "STOCK" steel 23 shell one of which i have.At least then we won't be called the chopped '32 grille forum.LOL

Oh by the way for those of you who say "DON'T DO IT"to late it's cut in half now to be narrowed tomorrow.
Hey Thomas i have those 4 zerk fittings for you.The longer ones for the front axel.
You already have a great looking car Rick. That grill well just make it that much better. I'll swing on by the next couple of weeks and visit.:lol:

:lol:We should all get '32 grille's, paint our buckets black and get red interiors. Then, we can get matching jackets, hats, t-shirts, a secret hand shake and blood initiation.:lol:
Mike said:
Next thing, you'll be wanting us all to move to Texas! :lol:

I'll keep the light on for ya.:lol:

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