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Cant decide if i like these front perch layouts (part of the free t plans project)

this is one of those things i keep trying to rehash and rehash ... i keep going for something clean, good looking, yet easy to make ...

from top to bottom they are 1 inch drop, 2 inch drop, and 3 inch drop, tell me what ya think ...

side views only at the moment

Re: Cant decide if i like these front perch layouts (part of the free t plans project

There are so many other variables that also come in to play beside the drop of the perch. Axle drop, sprung over or behind, size of front rims/tires, where you positioned your motor mounts... it's really a matter of all these factors together plus I'm sure others I'm forgetting that come into play that determines the best position for the front perch. I would also recommend that you tilt the perch about 3 degrees so when you put your caster the spring in in-line with the perch... but hey, that's only my option and everybody has one! :welcome:
Re: Cant decide if i like these front perch layouts (part of the free t plans project

well im not building a T at the moment, just working on collecting ideas and designs to convert into usable FREE plans for others

and while im at it, im trying to give people a decent selection of options

these perches for example.... i could have NOT bothered to draw up anything other then just a standard perch (spring surface at cross memeber centerline) and left people to have to draw their own piece if they wanted anything else

but i prefer to do it this way ....
Re: Cant decide if i like these front perch layouts (part of the free t plans project

This is the one I use with a 26'' eye to eye, 4 leaf, reversed eye spring on a 4'' dropped axle with the spring behind. If a spring over is used, the eye position and the length of the spring need to be considered.

Using a full ring to slip over the cross-member stengthens the mount.
Re: Cant decide if i like these front perch layouts (part of the free t plans project

Opps!....The drawing didn't come up. Try again
Re: Cant decide if i like these front perch layouts (part of the free t plans project

How about something like this, with the spring over the perch?


Spring behind axle 4" drop axle.

Re: Cant decide if i like these front perch layouts (part of the free t plans project

VegasBruce said:
How about something like this, with the spring over the perch?


Spring behind axle 4" drop axle.


Looks like Becky needs a shampoo.
Re: Cant decide if i like these front perch layouts (part of the free t plans project

Lowrollerchevy said:
oh, want full wrap ones too ? lol

The one and only thing i liked about the M.A.S.frame is the full wrap around.Mount.Rotate Tack then weld.I did like that for fabricating the front.Thanks for all the pics I'm sure your giving some food for thought and that my friend is as it should be.Never let up keep stinging um.LOL:razz:
Re: Cant decide if i like these front perch layouts (part of the free t plans project

these will all eventually be full size plans .... and i have plenty more designs to draw up, and add in the cut lines for if your using a 2" round front crossmember for all of them

and then im going to do some rear ones too, those will be for use on 2x2 square tube

and then after i run out of perch ideas, ill switch to something else ... maybe start on the ride height adjustable quarter eliptical setup, i think i finaly figured out the pivoting mounts for that

Re: Cant decide if i like these front perch layouts (part of the free t plans project

What CAD are you using?I have Catia 2005 and Auto Desk Inventer 2007
Re: Cant decide if i like these front perch layouts (part of the free t plans project

this is just the emachineshop program, as my computer has ALWAYS hated real cad programs, even after i put 2 gigs of RAM in it ... oh well

it works fine as a 2d drafting program, which is all i need for this project ...
Re: Cant decide if i like these front perch layouts (part of the free t plans project

Lowrollerchevy said:
this is just the emachineshop program, as my computer has ALWAYS hated real cad programs, even after i put 2 gigs of RAM in it ... oh well

it works fine as a 2d drafting program, which is all i need for this project ...

Sounds like a good program for people just starting out and the experienced to do quick drawings.You have a copy hanging around?I also have Auto Cad 2000 if anyone wants a copy.I can provide a copy of all the programs i listed.Catia for a fee though as its a 10,000 program used by the big three and Honda,Toyota even the is THE compliant software.Let me know
Re: Cant decide if i like these front perch layouts (part of the free t plans project

Rick said:
Looks like Becky needs a shampoo.

The garage needs swept too. :lol:
Re: Cant decide if i like these front perch layouts (part of the free t plans project

Re: Cant decide if i like these front perch layouts (part of the free t plans project

Thanks i'll pass this along to some of the guys at work.
Re: Cant decide if i like these front perch layouts (part of the free t plans project

If I'm doing a one off chassis, I'll just tack the front perch to the cross member. That way it's easy to replace it if need be. A lot of things can change between the head scratching and the nut and bolting.
Re: Cant decide if i like these front perch layouts (part of the free t plans project

What CAD program do you have? I have Autodesk Mechanical Desktop 5.0 power pack.

Re: Cant decide if i like these front perch layouts (part of the free t plans project

gettin there :D

i deleated the tallest of the "1/2 wrap" perches as the spring surface was getting to far from the crossmember, multiplying the stresses on the weld

youll notice alot of the perches have extra lines draw in here and there, those are the required lengths of the spring bolt plate, and the gusset plate that extends to the crossmember .... ill get to drawing that stuff out later

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