I'm feeling pretty good today. My mother-in-law and step-father-in-law are dirt poor because of their health. They have a Ford Escort that broke down a few months ago (the engine's clanking) leaving them with just their van to get Step-father-in-law to and from his dialysis treatments. Well this has had me and my wife worried since this happened, because their van isn't the most reliable car either. Not that my wife wouldn't be willing to take him, but an hour out to go get him, an hour drive home, picking up our daughter after school, etc.; you can see how that would be a strain on her.
Well I've got a surprise for them! I found a 1985 F150 for $300! It hardly needs any work either, at worst about $200 (including a new battery). I'll take the next few weekends cleaning it up, new oil, spark plugs and such. Then I'm going to tag, insure and give it to them. :lol:
Since I just blew all of my saved up cash on this truck, there won't be an update on the boat-car for another month. Oh well!
Gotta get a nap before work. Maybe posting this will help me sleep.
Well I've got a surprise for them! I found a 1985 F150 for $300! It hardly needs any work either, at worst about $200 (including a new battery). I'll take the next few weekends cleaning it up, new oil, spark plugs and such. Then I'm going to tag, insure and give it to them. :lol:
Since I just blew all of my saved up cash on this truck, there won't be an update on the boat-car for another month. Oh well!

Gotta get a nap before work. Maybe posting this will help me sleep.