The Earth receives energy from sunlight. CO2 and water vapor act like a cap. Without these gases to trap some energy, our planet’s mean temperature would be near zero degrees Fahrenheit. Not good!
This trapping of energy (heat) is what we call the greenhouse effect. Because of this greenhouse effect the mean temperature of the Earth is around 59˚F, which allows for life to exist. Good, huh?
But burning fossil fuels adds CO2 to the atmosphere. Before the industrial revolution, the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere was under 0.03%. It’s now 0.04% and the number is increasing. We are disturbing the delicate heat balance of the planet. This is causing global warming with its many destructive effects.
This graph shows the level of CO2 over the last 1000 years:
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And EVs will only help a little. All transportation only accounts for 1/4 of the CO2 we emit. Bottom line we have too many people (8 billion, up from 2 billion in my life) burning too much fossil fuel, and that is not likely to change regardless of what any politician says.