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Cold front


Well-Known Member
I mounted Roosters fan today and she works great. Then a bud called me. Cold front coming in. I took a trip to Galveston and there was the usual 3 to 4' waves. I did it anyway and it was great. I've got a couple 5'6" Hobby 3 skags...We caught it good, But check this out!:eek: Thiis is what I want. The perfect wave. I get it in Miss Fortune, but I want it in my life.

[ame="[media=youtube]x6TXCZX5ClY[/media]"]YouTube - Laird Hamilton-Teahupoo[/ame]

Life is GOOD!:D:cool::eek:

Check this out!


This rush is like when we hit the gas peddle for that first time.....

Getting slammed with sand isn't what its cracked up to be.

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