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cooters T bucket build

little sanding this morning. Might not need much bondo filler by time I get this level. Glass is pretty tough!!!!
Time for some 2K high build primer (liquid Bondo). You'll be surprised how it fills low spots.
2 part polyurethane primer. Mixes with MEKP catalyst. Clean up with acetone. Just like mixing resin.


Best if sprayed, but can be rolled or brushed on too. About 30 minutes working time.

Scuff up the surrounding gel coat with 150 grit.
1 gallon should be enough to cover all the bare glass work you've done. And a gallon of acetone for clean up.

A cheapo Harbor Freight sprayer will do it.
"a little more sanding before work" ? Aint sanding WORK ?

You got that right! I took a couple days off from it, my joints ore killing me, not the kind you smoke either...I broke down and visited my local Chinese knock off supply store and procured a 2" da and some more small diameter sanding, grinding items. I got the bright idea of making my own dash, similar to the tunnel dash that speedway offers, but different. I have a ton of time in far, lol!
Cooter, I enjoy this thread and your attention to detail. Keep it up, man.
Cooter has learned a lot about his self and his ability's during this build. Making some life long friends along the way.

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