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Engine/trans mount locations?


Active Member
I searched around the site but could not find any info.

The frame I purchased was scratch built and has not a one mount on it. I was wondering if there was a frame layout somewhere that had the different measurements on it. Such as

Rad mount
Engine mount (I understand they will vary with engine)
Trans mount ""

I am still a long way, away from making/mounting any of these things but I am gathering the info so I have it when its needed.

My plan is for a SBC/4l80 (or most likely a 700r4) combo, using a bolt in cross member system for both.

Any info would be appreciated.



(I cannot download the frame plans in Youngsters post so I do not know if that info is already in there)
Keeper said:
...(I cannot download the frame plans in Youngsters post so I do not know if that info is already in there)

Didn't see that till after I posted my response! :doh:

The best way is to mach it up with the components and determine where you want to place stuff, but that is just my thoughts on this...

I'd be happy to download the PDF file for you and email it to you if you would like them...
You won't find much in the plans as far as specific measurements for the mounts. My suggestion is to have your engine/trans, body rims/tires and chassis before you start figuring out the mounts. Sometimes it helps to be able to move these components around a little to get the balance between them. All it takes is an inch here or there to make a big difference.

As for drop out cross members, they are a excellent idea. Look at the pieces Speedway offer. The dropped xmembers can easily be converted into drop outs, or you can use the catalog pics to build your own. If you decide to use drop outs for both the engine and the trans, somewhere around the trans xmember be sure to include a fixed xmember at the top of the rails. Better yet, make it a "K" member. This is needed to hold the frame square. Don't rely on the drop outs to do this.

Youngster said:
All it takes is an inch here or there to make a big difference.


That's what Fred's UPS lady told him:eek::o:razz::razz::razz::naughty::shifty:

Coupefreak said:
That's what Fred's UPS lady told him:eek::o:razz::razz::razz::naughty::shifty:


Was that you I saw looking through the window!? For shame!:D I need to reset my bear traps.:lol:
Thanks for the info.

Here is what I was planning.

Get to the rolling chassis point (probably around xmas time) as I have to build/purchase a mount for the jag rear. Before that happens some shop upgrades need to happen, such as more electricity, welder, lift etc etc etc :D Its all part of the plan "But dear I need to have this so I can do this to the car" :lol:

So once I have the chassis I was going to build the crossmembers and slide them around the frame until it looks right.

I was just wondering if there was a general rule as to where things should go.

Other than the engine in front of the body and the Jag between the rear wheels, no, there aren't any rules.

Seriously, on a custom build like you want to do, there are no specifics. A standard T body is goingto need 45". A sbc, another 33". The rear tire placement is going to be whatever looks good to you. This placement will change depending on what you mount behind the body, 14" bed, 20" bed, turtle deck or gas tank. That's why it's so important to have these components on hand for a mock up.

Another way to come up with the diamentions you want is to find a car that's already build and copy the measurements off of it.


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