Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Entry Step fabrication


OK, I'm new and I got tired I'm asking!
I am unhappy with the step/assist to get in the bucket.....I'm pretty sure a bunch of ya have devised some nice steps.
I really need to be able to bolt it to the frame as opposed to welding it.
Any pics to end my dilemma would be appreciated.
There are numerous steps available from off road parts vendors. Perhaps you could check some of their web sites to see if something catches your eye and will work with your car. You will likely have to modify or fabricate one to fit right, as are most things with custom cars, but for design ideas. I don’t know what your situation is as far as being able to fabricate parts, but if you aren’t able to do it, you could likely have one made at a local shop. RPM might be able to assist if you come up with a plan as well.

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