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Finally a garage

Francis Blake

Active Member
After all this time and talk I finally getting a garage. paid my house off last month now doi'n what I have been wanting to do forever (seens like) it won't be huge but it will do (12x24) Next project frame. Went to the metal ware house , 24 ft peice of 2x3 3/16 eightyfour dollars. As soon as the garage is up willget some pics. :hooray:Francis
could be a lil tight but i know of a bucket that was built in a 12 x 12 utility shed. upward and onward Francis!!!!

nothin like a garage for projects good for you and congrats on the home payoff. I am hoping mine is payed off in 3 years by the time i am 55 is my plan.
very nice... great way to treat yourself!!!!! Congrats on paying the house off, thats one of those things that you think will never happen so when it actually does you feel you own the world...
It was a real good day paying off the house. More about my project you will get a laff outa this. I started with an old s10 striped it down to the frame I was going to build a woodie on it till I went to a tbucket show started collecting parts the next day. My oldest son wants to finish the s10 maybe it wouldnt be to bad. I better shut up now and go sit in my tbucket body and make funny sounds..:) ..Francis
lol... yesterday I was mocking up my steering wheel so I would know about where it would sit.. I had my insert and seats in, I was making the same noises! lol, its good to be a kid again!
oh yeah .... been busted more than once in theat embarrasing position .... probably will again too


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