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For Sale

i guess everyone knows by now where my heart lies.... i don't have the income to do much to help the site survive. what i do have is the skill to build t buckets. with that in mind, i would be willing to build and donate items that could be auctioned with the proceeds going into the warchest.

i'm not excited about the site turning into a club. too many bad experiences with clubs and organizations. i really don't think this is a viable option. imo... someone needs to be THE man. too many opinions always seem to lead to problems.

what ever happens with this, i will be on board to help in anyway i can to see this site continue. hat's off to you for even considering this venture. we will be talking soon

der Spieler, (the Player?)

That is a great idea! Give the information away to donating members. I should have thought of that. :confused:

Now, I think it's FANTASTIC that you are seriously thinking of administrating the forum. That technical part of it is by far the real show stopper for most of us. But, taking it off line in my opinion is going to be a mistake. The Donor's forum is the only place right now that is frequented by the people who really care the most about this place. I know I do. But I'm not going to contact you off line because I want everyone to hear what I've got to say. Your offer to admin this place is something we all need to hear, and quite frankly, was a real relief for me to hear. WE WANT HOPE!

At some point, we need to open this discussion up to the rest of the forum. I think you'll find more money there and expertise regarding computer skills, marketing contacts for possible advertisers, etc, all needed to make this transition a success.


The reason you didn't get your money for shirts is because of how you did it. On another site I frequent, every year we raise money by selling calenders featuring members rides, T-Shirts, shift knobs, hats, keyfobs, etc. What we do is put out a feeler post to see if anyone is interested. Members submit designs for the item and we all vote on which one we'll use. Then ALL of the money, ALL of it is collected before anything is ordered. That's the way we've always done it, and it works great. We sell hundreds of items every year and it raises thousands to run the site. Always get all your money up front.

We don't have a donors forum per say on this other site, but for the ones who do donate, the forum is opened up with some nice features like being able to delete a post, being able to edit the sub-title of a thread (this is handy when it's a build thread and you want to advertise what you did as an update/announcement), and edit a post without that box at the bottom that says "reason for edit" showing up, and space for a thousand of saved PM's, and more gallery space for our photos, etc (I know some of these features are available to donors here as well).

To the rest of the group,

I'm not exactly flush right now with my wife and I being unemployed at the moment (I'm working hard at fixing that), but I will gladly fork up $100 to help keep this place going.

The NTBA is already out there, I dont think another club is the way to go, nor do I have much faith in running the site by comittee. I have no interest in a partial ownership, but as long as the site is active I will continue to provide financial support.

I think that the only way this site will continue to exist is for one person to step up to the plate and buy it. It appears to me that even if it were treated as a lobor of love, as Mike said, and that persons time were essentially donated, the purchase price could be recouped in donations, sponsors, etc, etc... With some effort a small profit might even be possible.

someone who knows him should fire off an email to Speedway Bill, he could buy this place and write it off.

I also agree that it is probably time to open this up to the whole forum.
Like others have said I have no problem with some money but I just wish I knew enough to work something like this, which is to say that I have ZERO idea how to do it. I too am afraid of a "click" getting started if it was to be a joint effort. Maybe Mike would agree there are people making money with these things (at least enough to sustain them) but with the way things are going with the economy it just may not be a good idea anymore. And like everyone else I would love to keep this thing going but serious thought needs to go into this so we don't just keep it on life support and have bad memeries of a great place.

i agree...this subject should be openned to everyone on the forum. there is gold out there and i think we should mine it.

OK, here you go, we've moved this into the Lounge for open discussion.
The way it seems we have plenty of people willing to chip in but no one who can actually run and maintain it ,, and Mike has set the standard pretty high .
It is all way's up and running smooth with very few glitch's ,,
To me it would be hard to keep it that way ,,
RocknT said:
The way it seems we have plenty of people willing to chip in but no one who can actually run and maintain it ,, and Mike has set the standard pretty high .
It is all way's up and running smooth with very few glitch's ,,
To me it would be hard to keep it that way ,,

Evidently you didn't read my post (#38).
I usually just hit last page and some how missed that ,,
That would be great !
This is a little different here... I am willing to play what part I can to help to keep the forum alive on the net... from an IT perspective of maintenance and upkeep... I am just curious what the code is for the website?
Now you've made me feel bad about the donations. I've been thinking about them and didn't notice that the adds had gotten lost. Maybe someone should have said something? anyway, I'll kick in $100 to keep the site alive.
My bad
Mike in ep
jmr122848 said:
Now you've made me feel bad about the donations.
No, no, no, don't feel bad. The donations were set up to be free will donations and that is the end of it. We never had any intentions of requiring our members to give anything.

You've made your case very clear but I'm there ANYTHING we can do to get you to stay on?
dovehunter79 said:
This is a little different here... I am willing to play what part I can to help to keep the forum alive on the net... from an IT perspective of maintenance and upkeep... I am just curious what the code is for the website?

If we do buy the forum I think you will be the man to take over its operation. I stepped forward to get something going. I know nothing about IT but I am trainable. Since you are way more qualified than I you would be the logical choice to keep this thing running. I wonder if we have more members with the right talent.
I myself being a single father of 3 boy's, 1 being 16, building a car now and buying a house and hoping to be in it by June and wondering what the Sheriff has in mind for me every day since the County Commissioners wants him to cut about 15 positions, mine being the newest even though I've been there since 98, has me strapped for extra income. If I could donate I would and that will have to be when I can.:sad: I'd hate to see this site go.....I found this site from a subject on the NTBA site. I joined that "Club" with hopes that everyone is as helpful as they are here...but later found that if you ain't in the click then you ain't S@#T. So I don't really use that site as much. Heck I went alomost 2 months without even visiting it. I heard it got better but I don't seem to see it. Still a click thing.

Reference to the T-shirts left over, I started a car and truck club last May and polled everyone on the idea of the shirts and vehicle decals. I paid for the first order of the shirts myself and was able to sell them all. Now I got my shirts way cheaper than $15. S-XL is $8.00, XXL is $9.00 and my size XXXL is $10.00 and that was what I paid and what I charged everyone. I showed the club the reciept....see I wanted this to be a free club with no one trying to make money and it works. So with the members seeing that I am not trying to make money I was able to place a larger order and they ALL paid prior to the order and they sold. I will be taking a newer order this coming month since we are seing new members and the season is starting back.

All I know is I hope this site the best and my hats off to you der Spieler for wanting to step up and take the lead. If I get a chance to help you out you will have it for sure. I really enjoy this site and ALL it's members. You are all like my extened family.
Sorry for the rambling:o
I'm lucky I can turn on my computer never mind know whats involved in owning and running a forum .I can say this has become my favorite forum bar none since finding it and I'd gladly make a donation to keep it going.There are a lot of great guys here there's got to be a way to save it.
Track T-4 said:

You've made your case very clear but I'm there ANYTHING we can do to get you to stay on?
I appreciate the vote of confidence, more than I can say. But I'm just worn out with all of it. I'm currently in communication with a potential buyer and have offered to stick around for a couple weeks to make sure everything gets transferred smoothly. Once everyone is comfortable with the day-to-day operations of the site, I will be pretty happy to just relax and stop worrying.

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