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Forum Rules update

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Well-Known Member
Please take the time to visit the Forum Rules and Guidelines page, to read through the rules and familiarize yourself with the expectations we have for continuing membership on this site.

A change has been made to the rule concerning spam on our forums. This change is effective immediately and your continued use of this site, you are agreeing to accept this new rule.

The modified rule is quoted below, with the addition highlighted in bold text -
Spam is not tolerated on the T-Bucket Forums under any circumstances. The submission of any type of advertising or self-promotion without first becoming a forum sponsor is strictly prohibited. This includes posting a URL to your services, affiliate links, or a competing Web site. This rule also includes sending spam via private messages. Users posting spam will be warned and their post removed or edited. Links to offensive or competitive sites will be removed at the sole discretion of the T-Bucket Forums staff members.
Anyone unwilling to comply with this new rule should log out, immediately, and abandon all use of this site.
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