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Front End Differences...

There's got to be a better way to offer constructive critism/opinion/point of view, than calling someone dumb. It's crap like that that had me quit a forum not too long ago. If you explain your point of view, the best you can, and someone doesn't agree, then you have done your duty to yourself and them. They are not dumb and also, your view may not even be correct. Much like opinions, everyone has a view and/or an opinion and it should either be respected or, if it bothers you too a high degree, ignored.

Name calling, especially over the internet is pointless. Toss out your view, if someone feels they need it or doesn't need it, so be it. If a sensible discussion comes of it, even better, but if someone has a different opinion, try and be a adult and respect at least their right to think different than you.

I really find it surprising that I even had to go on this rant. That being said, maybe I should have taken that damn sheriffs badge afterall.:mad:

Thanks Fred, that just made my job easy.
Wait, I'm confused. So is a "suicide" front end related to the drop, the position of the axle, the tie rod/steering being out front or all three? I'd like to see comparison pics...
Right or wrong here's what I've always concidered to be the difference.

Suicide...The spring is attached to the frame by a plate welded to the front cross member.

Factory.. The spring is mounted inside a channel type front cross member.

Word has it that back in the day, dirt track car owners found they had better control with a longer wheelbase. In order to do this without building a whole new frame, they would fab a "Z" bracket that bolted to the cross member and front spring. Sometimes in a drift thru the corner, these brackets would fail for one reason or another, seperating the front end from the frame. Builders who used this set up where called suicidial by their peers. Hence the term suicide front spring perch. Further down the road, they were required to weld this bracket for everyones safety. Even after that, they were still called "a suicide front end". They were also called a "Bulldog Mount".

I hope you were paying attention. There's a test on Friday!

Ahhhhh... then part of the problem with this thread is a small communication problem or perhaps my terminology on this has always been wrong. Which is probably the case.:o I always thought the term refered to the drop.
My understanding has been that the front axle is mounted in front of the frame on a perch. On most cars the front axle is somewhat protected by the frame. I hadn't heard about the dirt track explanation, but it does make sense on how it got that name.
AHHH - Fred, My first wife allways said to me " What we have here is a failure to comuicate " Just before she started to throw things. :ciao::lol::)

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