Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

fuel economy on my bucket


New Member
On a Poker run last weekend, I calculated fuel economy in my bucket. 4-71 blown SBC, with quite a bit of hammer down time, I got 12 MPG out of it. Not too shabby! Gear swap will kill that some this weekend.
I'm sorry but I never think about gas mileage when I get in my bucket. When I have to start to worry about how much it's going to cost me to go cruising I'll sell it and buy a rocking chair.
Under ideal conditions my driving season is 6 months max, throw the rainy season and I'm probably down to 5. If I could get out every weekend (I wish) that's only 40 days out of the year to enjoy it. I'm already prepping it for winter storage and getting the snowblower ready to rock and roll.

Ever wonder what kind of mileage the old snowblower gets?
yeap, I'd have to say fuel mileage is the farthest thing from my mind when I get in my bucket. I get in it to have fun and I know it will drink the gas, but it is fun. Depending on how I drive it I prolly get anywhere between 3-8 mpg. I just stop when I see the gauge getting around 1/4 tank and fill it up. Which is quite often with my 10 gallon tank. If I want fuel mileage I'll drive my Mini Cooper, which is also fun, like a go kart.
Telman2 You need to move up north where it gets really cold.
putz said:
Telman2 You need to move up north where it gets really cold.

I really don't mind to cold too much it's the wind and snow that drive me crazy.

We have two kinds of snow here, regular snow and what they like to call lake effect. I have a 13 hp snowblower (only because they don't make a bigger one) and it still takes me almost 2 hours to clear everything.
Non-Car people are hilarious. Recently, I drove my red vintage '81 308 GTSi Ferrari and my son drove one of my Ts to an area Friday nite get together at Chili's. We parked them side by side and people would look them over and ask me what kind of gas mileage I got on the Ferrari and nothing about the T. The dam motor on the T is bigger than the Ferrari. Amazing.

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