Dave, here's where I'm coming from. (Nobody is asking you to like it, so don't feel as if you're under any pressure here, OK?) If anyone else started blowing smoke up everyone's bum around here the way Ted has, I would have a dozen people griping at me about it. And yes, I regularly get people griping about Ted's grumpy attitude toward other members here. That is going to come to an abrupt, screeching halt, as well. I've already said Ted's OK, but when he's blowing smoke, he's blowing smoke. And from now on, when it happens, he is going to get called out on it the same as anyone else. We don't have different sets of standards for different age groups. Never have and we never will. Talk B.S. and you're going to get called out on it, no matter your age bracket.
I say Ted is talking out his backside. When he proves me wrong, you'll have photographic evidence of me kissing that backside.
Just keep reading what I've said to Dave, above. You'll get onto it, sooner or later.
Gerry, you and Dave can put whatever spin on this you choose. But nobody's beating up on anyone. I'm just pointing out this forum's self-canonized expert isn't quite the expert he would have everyone believe. If that gets someone's nose out of joint, that's just how it's going to have to be. Ted has done the same with several of our other members, so now we're going to see if he can take as good as he gives.
I don't have a problem with people worshiping their heroes. Just don't take a tone with me (or anyone else), when your hero gets caught telling porkies to someone who knows better.