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Fuel tank for Fad

Got the tank back from the guy whos been doing the welding over the last few days for me. He called last week to say there was no distortion so heres the pics of it all welded up.
Now its down to grinding, filing, finishing, faffing and fussing.

As far as i can see its a straight as it was before it was welded. Looks like brass powder coating will be the way to go. i will get it smoothed out and fix it up on the back of the fad, take some pics so we can see how it looks

That is a true work of art, Gerry. What do you suppose the odds are that you will be able to grind it smooth and not have any pin holes?
That is a true work of art, Gerry. What do you suppose the odds are that you will be able to grind it smooth and not have any pin holes?

Going to test it to 10 psi with air and then use the old way of a soap solution to see where the bubbles are. Odds? Knowing the guy who welded it I would say less than 10% chance of holes after its ground. Still, not a problem as he said its fine now till you start on the finishing. I plan to be gentle and see how it goes. Let hope its solid... tell you what though, its one of the hardest parts I have done on the whole project.

Just hope its worth it at the end. If people dont comment on it then I know its right. I have found over the years that the trick things that have had a lot of effort and time put in to them tend not to be noticed as they appear to be just part of the car.

Gerry, I would suggest with all those surfaces you might want to use 5# of pressure to test. I wouldn't want to see it distort now because of too much pressure. When I did that SS tank I tested with 4# of pressure.

Think of the grinding as sculpting ... takes some of the sting out of the process.

Hello Gerry, Very nice! My own personal opinion, I would grind on the tank very little. Instead I would do it the old-fashioned way with a file and using lead and a torch and metal finishing. An idea on the tank. The tank can be painted, and gold leaf the star. Just me.-- P.S. I was proud to have known and been friends with the late, great Jim Babbs who did the brass gas tanks in the late '60's and 70's, including the leg show.
Think of the grinding as sculpting ... takes some of the sting out of the process.


I look at grinding as whittling, it seams to make it more tolerable. :kiltdance:

great looking tank Gerry :hoist:
Just curious what it cost to get the tank welded in US dollars. I'm guessing it took 12 to 14 hours weld time. Also, have you had the chance to fill it up and see how much it holds?
Just curious what it cost to get the tank welded in US dollars. I'm guessing it took 12 to 14 hours weld time. Also, have you had the chance to fill it up and see how much it holds?

I know this is going to be a dummy tank with another hidden below.
Yes I was thinking about how much it will hold also, have to use something that will not start a rust storm inside... finishing work should be not bad, being all outside seams... The only other tank Gerry has is a small reserve tank... Looks good Gerry
OK- I did not no- the tank was a dummy tank!! thanks - puts. !!

quote name='putz' timestamp='1297395640' post='129906']
I know this is going to be a dummy tank with another hidden below.
Could you maybe polish out a few inches of weld so we can see how it's going to turn-out. Or are you going to just keep us in suspence for awhile......ruggs
Come on guys. This is not a dummy tank. If you look at the pics you can see I put fuel feed, return and breather pipes as well as a fuel sender. Try and keep up LOL.
I am putting a small tank low in the back corner of the body to act as extra capacity and a reserve.

COST for welding. The guy charged me 100.00 bucks, deal or what.

Going to use tank sealer in it after its all finished.

Yep youre going ta have to wait till its all smoothed out for more pics. The bit I have done so far looks good and I am enjoying it. Bet that will die off after 6 hours or so

A hundred bucks sounds reasonable to me. Gotta tell ya tho, my shop would have given ya a hell of a deal!! Can ya say "labor trade" ?

if the freight was not soooooooooooooo much money these days I probably would have shipped it over. The 100 includes any work after I have ground the s**** out of it.
Yes the guys gave you the job.--I also love the old Dan Woods---body--very very nice find!!--and old roadster body, good for you,made in the US.of--A!! --hard to come buy.

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