Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Gas tank size


How many gallon gas tank is good for a "T"? My current tank is very large, I believe it is 18 to 20 gallons. Takes up the entire bed area.
ten gal is plenty. even at 12 to 14 miles to a gal, you will want to get out and stretch.

Yep, I've got 10 gallons in mine and it is plenty. The gas in the tank will outlast the feelings in your backside like Youngster said. You need to get out once in a while and stretch to get the numbness out of your tail. On trips I usually get 75-100 miles before I can't stand it any more and I have to stop and get out.

The other thing is that you will WANT to stop for gas often. Your car becomes a rolling car show and as you are gassing up people will ask questions and make comments. Sometimes that is fun, but when you are in a hurry it can be a little bit of a pain. :)

I have to agree with the 10 gallon size, I've got a 16 gallon tank in my bucket but after burning less then half of it I'm ready for a break. If I ever had to replace it I would go with a smaller one.
Things to think about when choosing a capacity for your fuel tank (based on my personal experience)...

- what is the fuel mileage of your motor?

- what is the mileage of your bladder?

- what is the mileage of your butt?

- what is the length of your typical cruise?

- what is the most likely distance between fuel stops of your longest cruise?

- what is the farthest your "buddies" are likely to drag you without ragging you about refueling?

- what is more important to you, fuel capacity or ability to haul "stuff?"

- what configuration of tank gives you the best utility of your bed?

After three seasons of running with the biggest tank I could fit in my bed (14+ gallons), I've decided to go with a slightly smaller tank to accommodate a tool kit and two camp chairs.

EDIT: PS, I have found that I have a one-hour butt. Maybe I could go longer with a better seat, but right now one hour is the limit. Even if it's just pulling over and bailing out to walk around for ten minutes... that's it!!
My butts good for about an hour then I pull over and have a cigarette. A person can handle only so much fresh air. :)
hope i have the right car in mind here. were you thinking of putting the tank under the seat?? a couple of thoughts here. by doing that, you will be sitting higher in the body. a smaller tank in the box would be a better option considering that problem. i don't have the figures here but maybe RPM could help here. i have thought about using the tank as the floor in the box. should be able to come up with 950 sq. least.

ok, never mind, just did some rough numbers and 5 or 6 gal. probably won't do it. Sorry!!!!

I'm going to go out today and get some measurments. Right now I have the battery under the seat with a small area for tools next to it. I'm thinking of going with the 10 gal tank and moving the battery next to it in bed. Do you all have sending units in your tanks? I have one in the old tank but not sure if the new tanks have an opening?
Nice work, looks like its a lot bigger then 10 gal? What are all the fittings on the bottom and top? I see the shut off on the bottom but not sure what the others are.
Re: Gas tank size -- how about under seat ideas

Youngster said:
... were you thinking of putting the tank under the seat?? a couple of thoughts here. by doing that, you will be sitting higher in the body. Ron

I'm curious about tank under the seat concepts, Ron, RPM or anyone else. What do you think of the idea of cutting out a portion of the floor on either side of the driveshaft centerline and using a tank in a saddlebag configuration so that the seat is no higher than usual while still accommodating 8-10 gals? Or, any other ideas?
IMHO, saddle bags style will not be very good. Run two sending units and T for the fuel lines ??? I don't know I like the regular style tanks. Looking for a 6-10 gallon one for mine, to sit under my seat. I figure a 6 to 10 gallon tank should give about 120 to 200 miles per tank full. More than enough for me to get to various cruises and car shows around town, or just taking a Sunday cruise. Just my 2 cents.
clamper- the fittings on the top are -gas cap,and a vent.
bottom -the valve is a reserve ,the other is the feed line.
Just my two cents, I know it's not going to make a bit of difference in an accident but I'm not crazy about sitting on a gas tank, I feel better with it behind me.
The gas cap is vented the other is used as a plug.I thought I mite need a fitting on top if I ever went with injection for a return line.
Telman2 said:
Just my two cents, I know it's not going to make a bit of difference in an accident but I'm not crazy about sitting on a gas tank, I feel better with it behind me.

Not too concerned. Actually, tank is more likely to be compromised hanging out back than within frame rails. I agree, the saddlebag idea doesn't sound so good now. Anybody else?

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