Just some info to use some may know some may not. Anyway there are 231 cubic inches in a gallon. The length x height x width = the totla cubic inches in a tank then divide by 231. That will give you the gallons.
I am not crazy about tanks under seats, but we can build what ever you want. The caps we normally use are vented with a one way check valve in them. From the top of the tank to the top of the cap allow 2" for neck and cap.
Just a note we make all of Spirits tanks so if you have a Spirit car, I have the blueprint for the tank. So do go to a lot of trouble measuring everything. Just let me know if it is a 23 or 27.
I am not crazy about tanks under seats, but we can build what ever you want. The caps we normally use are vented with a one way check valve in them. From the top of the tank to the top of the cap allow 2" for neck and cap.
Just a note we make all of Spirits tanks so if you have a Spirit car, I have the blueprint for the tank. So do go to a lot of trouble measuring everything. Just let me know if it is a 23 or 27.