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GEET Plasma Reactor Motor?


New Member
I was listening to a radio show on the way home from work. The guy being interviewed was Paul Pantone and he was talking about his engine modification that I found fascinating. I would like your thoughts on this.

First his website

Geet Fuel Processor - Paul Pantone

The fuel processor plans for a small engine

The Free GEET Fuel Processor Plans! -

GEET autoplans for a car found on this page (94 mb)

Geet Fuel Processor - Paul Pantone

[ame=[media=youtube]d5YsK3bwzPM[/media] - Paul Pantone Plasma Reactor Motor[/ame]

I'm curious to know if this is too good to be true or should I try to build one? Since his site says anybody can have a copy of his plans as long as they don't sell it, I'm going to assume Paul won't mind that I posted it here.
There are other You Tube videos showing engines with this modification. I'm just uncertain if this is some hoax or something worth looking into further.
I have to admit to being fascinated by this, I would love to see someone on the forum try to build one.
I'm going to give it a try. I downloaded the plans and I've got a small upright Briggs and Stratton motor I have as a backup for my rototiller. I'm just going to have to squeeze it in between the several hundred irons I already have in the fire.

If any of you decide to try to build it, let me know.

I found this video useful about pipe orientation...

[ame=[media=youtube]5sqeqmy14ps[/media] - GEET Reactor Construction Details[/ame]

The state of Utah became convinced Paul was a danger to himself and had him committed. Paul is out now, and is living in Oklahoma, but in the radio interview he said he is moving to the Netherlands where his son now lives and runs the GEET company.
From what I've read of human history most great minds were thought to have been one french fry short of a happy meal or not the brightest crayon in the box.

A danger to himself usually means a depressed person that was in danger of taking their own life. Two questions, what was the cause of his depression and what has that got to do with the work he's shown us so far? If it wasn't for great minds we'd still be riding horses and lighting a kerosene lamp come dark. I'll say it again, I'd love to see a forum member try to build this engine operating system.

Jbisme, go for it and document your progress, both success and failure and you'll be my hero.
I am very skeptical, for many reasons. I understand the principal, his plasma chamber is acting like a Minny cracking Plant. I don't believe it will produce enough BTU's to produce any work. But, if someone wanted to try it - I would be interested in the results.
If it is so important for this rod to go North and South! How will this work in say a car that has to go in every direction? It might work as a stantionary engine to run a pump or something. :confused:
They claim it does once the machine is oriented. I guess the Geet works like magnets. Magnets don't have to point north or south to work, but if you want one magnet to stick to another, it has to be turned the right direction. So I guess if you want the particles (whatever those are) to flow the right direction, it has to be assembled like a chain of magnets.

This could all be a bunch of voo doo nonsence, but there are videos claiming the machine works and there are videos that claim it doesn't.
I like the one Bruce Crower has come up with - Inside Bruce Crowers Six-Stroke Engine: AutoWeek Magazine

Mike, I'm going to have to look at that.

I hope you guys don't think I'm coming across as some sort of know-it-all. If I am, tell me, because I don't mean to. These past few months, I'm trying to push myself to learn all I can and have as many successes and failures as possible. Failure is a waste of time.

Thomas Edison said it best, "Just because something doesn't do what you planned it to do doesn't mean it's useless."

"I am not discouraged, because every wrong attempt discarded is another step forward."

"I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work."

I can't say when I will attempt to try the GEET, but you can bet it will be in the next few months. The wife has already given me permission to try it.

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