Let us know how the unload goes.Satori said:All set for the motor delivery tomorrow!
(and I did take rooster's advice and ordered some tire dollies)
Rick said:Let us know how the unload goes.
Ga_Mike said:Sure could use that motor on the shelf. I have a bobber project and all I need is a motor and a primary....lol
putz said:I have that same air compressor and overheated it once already sandblasting.
Every time it starts up I wish I spent money on a quieter model.
LumenAl said:nice ironhead... got to keep the MIL happy!
Satori said:Well technically we're no longer related since my wife's passing, but she's always gone WAY out of her way to help me with what-ever, so I don't mind doing some work for her.
LumenAl said:wow... that was unexpected... very sorry about your loss.
Looks like you made a good impression on your first mother in law!LumenAl said:My first wife's mother to this day still calls me her son-in-law even though we were divorced over 25 years ago. Just a couple of weeks ago when I stopped by for a visit, she introduced me to one of her neighbors just that way again, but this time she added, "the one and only thing my daughter ever did right was to marry him but she messed that up too!"... I don't know if I've ever laughed that hard... I think she's pretty cool too.
rooster57 said:I think that 81 sporty is actually a time machine i see something on it from every year harley has been makin bikes. Didnt Steve Mcqueen try to jump a fence with it. I mean that in a good way.