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Gov't Looking To Remove Ownership Of Everything


Well-Known Member
"Land of the free" my A$$.

Yeah, and when you examine the candy-a$$ reasons companies like GM and John Deere are claiming for their latest moves, you can see how flimsy it can be. I mean, Heaven forbid if a John Deere owner were to use the software in a combine to illegally download pirated music. Horror of horrors, look at the pickle that would place Deere in. Don't believe this flimsy excuse, then read it for yourself.

Take a look at the new TPP bill and examine all the little side-deals that are packed into it. Remember how this country overwhelmingly stood up for Net Neutrality, a couple months back? Well, boys and girls, your elected lawmakers decided to wrap the Net Neutrality issues up in the Trans-Pacific Partnership deal, and if this one passes, we are all screwed, glued and tattooed. TPP will even allow companies to copyright the DNA of plants, for Pete's sake.

Anyone actually watching this deal, and doing something about it? Or are you just accommodating our soon-to-be Overlords, by dropping your trousers and grabbing your ankles?

What is really interesting is when all American homeowners learn they really do not own their homes, nor the land those homes are built upon. You think that is your home, but the truth of the matter is the government has been charging you taxes, whilst they allow you to occupy their property. You really don't own anything, you just pay the government for the ability to use things.

Ever wonder why your locale required you to have a government-issued certificate of birth, as well as government-issued certificates of marriage, and government-issued certificates of death? If you don't, then it is already too late for you. Because your state already has a serial-numbered and certified warehouse receipt on every aspect of not just your life, but also your death. Each one of us is naught but a number that is being traded on the New York Stock Exchange.

Congress has been spending money it does not have, and each one of us is the security, or the collateral, if you prefer, on the money it borrows. We are slaves, and it gets much worse. We are stupid slaves, because we cannot even see or understand how we have been enslaved, by the very government that allegedly freed all slaves. Did you know Lincoln offered slave-owners 6% interest-bearing bond certificates on the slaves they freed, on a per head basis? Didn't know that, did you? Now, ask yourself again - why does the county have a certificate for your birth, why does the county have a certificate for your marriage, why does the state issue you a license plate for your vehicle, etc? Go to your county clerk and demand to see your original, certified birth certificate. They do not have it, because the federal 'government' is using it to buy and sell you, just like any other resource.

Go ahead, try to tell me you are free, because you are an American. You're not free, you're just not smart enough to understand how enslaved you are. You think you are free, because you 'own' a nice home, and you 'own' nice vehicles, yet you still get up every day, go to a job you wish you didn't have, so you can pay taxes to the government for no discernible reason, all of which keeps you too busy to enjoy those things you mistakenly believe you 'own'.

You have been sold a packet of lies. And the real joke is that you are still paying for them.
Yep , there's our Mike , always w/ the cheery outlook ... truth is , he's probably right ... I however , prefer to ,through blissful ignorance , tiptoe through my imagined tulips , smiling & laughing , for the short time I'm here..... makes me & those around me feel good, probably unrealistic , but realism is like growing up , something I refuse to do..... never met a REAL grown up who was having any fun away !!!
I guess I would also be in the blissful ignorance category, as described by 2old2fast. I agree with Mike that our government is wasteful and has many obvious faults, but I don't understand the point regarding home ownership. I don't have a mortgage on my home and I do know that I must pay property taxes, but I didn't realize the government actually owns the land and home. I understand that when a person buys a home, they are actually buying the land it is built on. I thought I owned the land and what is on it (a dwelling in this case), and didn't know the government owns it. Our system of government has many faults that should be corrected (but probably won't be in my lifetime) but I still think it is better than many other alternatives
I will admit, I do not have a holly-jolly and cheery approach to any of this. And if people prefer to bump through life by deceiving themselves, as well as allowing others to deceive them, that is OK with me. As long as they know the truth from the lies, and are allowed, of their own free will to decide which they prefer to accept as their own imaginary realities. I am pragmatic, so I do not accept the lies that are shoved down everyone's throat, every single day.

For those of you who are certain and comfortable in your land 'ownership', take a few minutes to read up on a government process known as eminent domain.

You don't hear anything more on the mainstream news about the British Petroleum oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, so you allow yourselves to believe that mess is over, done and dealt with. The truth of the matter is the bulk of the oil that leaked into the Gulf is still in the Gulf, destroying an extremely fragile marine ecosystem.

You don't hear anything more on the mainstream news about the horrific nuclear disaster that is still occurring at the Fukushima Daiichi reactor, so you allow yourselves to believe the danger has somehow disappeared, and that you are now safe. The truth is the lower ends of the marine food chain are being eradicated by radiation poisoning, and that is now starting to make its deadly climb to the top of the same food chain.

Perhaps people do not want to admit it to themselves, but if they do not see it on CNN, then it simply did not happen. Even though careful examination of actual events will prove CNN's reporting of 'news' is a bogus and a sham, people still consider it to be their source for daily news. CNN lied to you about events in Ferguson, MO. CNN lied to you about events at Sandy Hook (Do you really still believe Sandy Hook even happened? Seriously??) CNN lied to you about gas attacks in Syria, even going so far as to use paid actors to show viewers the tragic 'results' of the attacks. CNN lied to you about the joke and complete fabrication of Osama bin Laden's alleged assassination. Anybody care to know the details of the lies the President of the United States told the night he reported the laughable death of bin Laden is more than welcome to contact me. I've more than a passing knowledge of Islamic laws and customs, so when Barry Soetoro told you that bin Laden's alleged remains were buried, at sea (no less!!!), in accordance with Islamic law, I knew he was lying.

Ask yourself these questions. When, since the formation of the Navy's Sea, Air, and Land teams (SEALs), were the details of any SEAL operation revealed to the public? When have you ever known what any SEAL team was up to? When have you ever known the names of any SEAL team members? So how is it that you were told that Seal Team 6 was responsible for the alleged assassination of bin Laden? How is it that so-called members of the so-called Seal Team 6 were identified to the American public, when it has always been the position of the Navy to obfuscate those details?

The powers that control this country (and no, I certainly do not mean our elected sock-puppets officials) lie to you about every aspect of your lives. Evidence proves you were sold a pack of lies about the events of 11 September 2001. Evidence proves you were sold a pack of lies about Sandy Hook. Evidence proves you were sold a pack of lies about Ferguson, MO. And the liars need your attention diverted away from themselves, so you are now being systematically taught to demonize Muslims. You are being indoctrinated to hate Shariah, without even knowing what it is, or the way it works. You are being indoctrinated to hate some shadowy group called ISIS, without knowing how ISIS/ISIL/IS/Daesh got its several names. Do you know whose tax dollars supported these Muslim rebels, from the very beginning? Do you know who bought and paid for nearly all the weapons used by these rebels? Do you know who bought and paid for all the white Toyota trucks used by these rebels? Have you ever really sat down to watch the video of the alleged killing of the Coptic Christians on the coast of Lebanon? Your government needs you to believe these are a bunch of radical nit-wits, but the Coptic Christian video was created with modern editing techniques (although the green screen shots were clearly bogus), and even a boom camera was brought in for gratuitous, high-angle shots.

A food that has been determined to be perfect for the consumption of all living creatures is the hemp seed. On a daily basis, medical research teams are proving that cannabinoids are successful in eradicating cancerous tumors. Hemp makes better clothing than cotton, grows more densely than cotton and is cheaper than cotton. Hemp makes fuel so efficiently that this country could start producing all of its own fuel needs, simply by cultivating hemp. Nearly every organ in the human body has CBD receptors, which proves your body is expecting to receive CBDs as part of your life. But listen to how cannabis is being demonized. The oil companies, the textile companies and the biggest juggernaut of all, the pharmaceutical companies would all go under, if cannabis was re-legalized in this country, so you can depend on the fact that the lackeys on Capital Hill (<---- misspelled for clarification purposes) will continue to deny all re-legalization efforts.

Americans, by and large, miss out on how this indoctrination begins, and how it is implemented. Actually, it is quite simple. It is a process of divide and conquer. And if you take more than three seconds to look at all the ways you are taught division is good, then you will begin to see how you are being manipulated. Ford and Chevrolet - division. Burger King and McDonald's - division. Clemson and 'Bama - division. Mets and Yankees - division. Colts and Patriots - division. Clippers and Spurs - division. Blackhawks and Red Wings - division. Juan Pablo Montoya and Helio Castroneves - division. Harvick and Logano - division. Christians and Jews - division. Christians and Muslims - division. South and North - division that will never die. And the sneakiest one of all; Democrats and Republicans. Look at it, and there is no denying that every aspect of your life is all about us versus them. If you do not take an adversarial position with everyone else in your circle of acquaintance, then there might be a widespread and uncontrolled outbreak of unity in this country. And the moneychangers do not want us to unite, because that will lead to a sharing of knowledge and other resources, which will only serve to oust the moneychangers from their ivory halls.

As I said, if people have the right to hear the truth as well as the lies, and then prefer to live with the lies, then so be it. Just do not ask or expect me to meekly accept the same lies.
Americans, by and large, miss out on how this indoctrination begins, and how it is implemented.

I do maintenance for a school district. So I'm in K through 8th grade classes a lot.

I'm over hearing some unbelievable stuff from liberal teachers, and the garbage in the Common Core program.

Absolute tyranny IMHO.
No need to apologize for anything, you've done naught wrong. I well and truly believe people are entitled to hold whatever opinions. So long as they have been presented with all facets of a situation, before being told what they must believe. What grinds my gears


is when people are told lies, and are expected to accept it as truth. That winds me up. Fukushima Daiichi's Cesium-137 levels are starting to have noticeable and negative health effects on people living in the Pacific Northwest, but instead of applying this country's resources to that very real problem, they decided to try to scare the stew out of Americans with a phony-baloney Ebola epidemic that never existed. But CNN told 'Muricans that it existed, so those dutiful 'Muricans bought into every last word of it.

You see, the next step, after divide and conquer is the step of instilling fear, in order to repress. You are meant to be living in fear. ISIS/ISIL/IS/Daesh, or whatever the local news agencies are calling some very localized and Middle Eastern rebels are coming to get YOU! You. And you better believe they are armed with Shariah law, which means you are going to have your hands cut off, your female relatives will have their genitalia disfigured, and you are going to be stoned. Stoned to death! Of course, none of that ever happens outside of a newscast set, but that is not the point. The point is that you are meant to be scared, frightened and living in a state of panic. If anyone has questions about Shariah, drop me a line, I would be delighted to share the real facts with you.

Ever notice how so-called magicians work? It is all based on misdirection. Look over here at this, so I can surreptitiously change that. 'Muricans were so excited and over-joyed that bin Laden had been assassinated (when did this country drop the basic, legal premise of due process, by the way?), they forgot all about that situation that was about to boil over, since Congress and the White House did not have a working budget drawn up. You forgot all about that, didn't you? See, that clown in the White House is pretty good at sleight of hand, he pulled off a magic trick, and this is the first time you've even thought about it.

C'mon, people, the facts are that Usama (and yes, his name was spelled Usama, and not Osama) bin Laden was being treated in the American Hospital in Dubai, during the week of the Fourth of July 2001. Here was a man, wanted by the White House, whom at least one CIA agent was visiting on a daily basis, laying in a hospital bed. The doctors that treated him clearly stated his kidney disease was well-advanced and that he only had a short time left, which would require constant and ongoing dialysis treatments. But, by golly, that wasn't going to work for the CIA and the Bush White House, so I guess we're just expected to believe those caves at Tora Bora were equipped with state-of-the-art dialysis machines. PUHLEEZE! And then you are expected to believe this dying man lived for another decade?

Were you aware that the Taliban prohibited cultivation of the opium poppy, in Afghanistan? Prior to the Taliban seizing power, the Golden Triangle was the primary source of heroin trade in this country. Over 80% of all heroin in the U.S. came from the Middle East. But along came the Taliban and they would not allow the opium poppy, so all of that trade moved to the Ivory Triangle, in the Far East. But just as soon as the CIA was on the ground in Afghanistan, it was once again legal to grow opium poppies, and the bulk of all U.S heroin is once again coming from the Middle East.

Some day, when you have some free time, sit down and Google some names. Celerino Castillo. 'Freeway' Ricky Ross. Gary Webb, of the San Jose Mercury. Judge James P. Gray. Oliver North. Read up on those names and look at what the CIA is doing to this country. Castillo and Ross did serious time, Webb was killed and flippin' Ollie North got a television show. Look at what this country has spent on a failed-from-the-start drug war. Look how corporations are getting rich on selling prison cells to your states.

Yeah, it's a little over 2 hours, but once you've seen the first 10 minutes, wild horses will not be able to drag you away.

This is the kind of crap you are being fed, every day of your life.

For years, I've said if you really want to be scared, sit and watch the Terminator movies. Every time you hear the term, 'SkyNet', replace that with the word, Google. And let me tell you, we are already there. Artificial skin already exists, and it will allow you to distinguish wet and dry, as well as hot and cold. They are already developing artificial eyeballs, using 3-D printers. Ever hear of Google DeepMind? And there simply is not enough time in the day to list all of the military contracts that Google holds. SkyNet already exists.

Hmmm, I just noticed this Blue Moon bottle is empty, so it must be time for another.
Mike, I've finally come across someone else that gets it.

And here, of all places.
Good job Mike. Other areas needing some comment include Man Made Global Warming; the gov't diet recommendations; natural cures vs. prescription drugs. Those are three areas where my research shows that what we are told is nothing but half truths and outright lies. Yet, from the time the kids enter day care they get indoctrinated to believe that the lies are the truth.

The earth's climate has always been in a constant state of change. There is not now nor never was some preferred, steady state. Species have been going extinct since life began as have new species coming on scene. Life adapts to change; that includes us. The diet guidelines have resulted in an epidemic of obesity and diabetes. There never was any scientific evidence that saturated fat was bad. Yet, they said it was so we replaced it with trans-fat which is not good since our bodies were never designed to digest it. Trans-fat is chemically just a step or two away from plastic. There is an extract of a type of orange that is as effective as statin drugs for controlling cholesterol. An extract of silk worms that can dissolve artery plagues is available. Both are used regularly in Asia and Europe but not in the US. There are various, natural ways to control blood pressure. The natural products do not have the side effects of the drug company poison.

All three examples are based on who's got the money. Climate scientists only get funded when they "Agree" with the climate change mantra. The food guideline research is largely funded by vegetable oil industry who developed margarine as a replacement for butter because they had more oil than they could ever sell. Natural "Cures" can't be patented so the drug industry won't touch them and, by law, doctors cannot recommend them. My doctor is from Albania. When I tell him what I've found for BP, prostate, cholesterol and plague; his comment is "That is used in Europe. They might be as effective as the prescription drugs. Give it a try and we'll see how it does. Come back in .......weeks"

See what ya started Mike.
Just saw this today.

"The current [salt] guidelines are based on almost nothing," Suzanne Oparil, a former president of the American Heart Association, confessed in the Washington Post.

"There is no longer any valid basis for the current salt guidelines," Prof. Andrew Mente of McMaster University told the newspaper.

The salt myth is based entirely on the mistaken notion that sodium causes blood pressure to rise. But if you've ever struggled to follow a bland low-salt diet yourself, you know how much of a difference it makes.


Except in rare cases of salt sensitivity, sodium won't cause your blood pressure to rise. Cutting back, on the other hand, will cause your risk to rise -- because you NEED that salt. That's why a 2011 study found that cutting back on salt will increase your risk of death by as much as 500 percent.
And just to add fuel to the fire, Chase Bank just said that it will no longer accept cash for loan payments and some other transactions. There is a crazy under current in the financial sector to eliminate cash altogether. That will allow the Fed to take interest rates in the negative. Negative rates won't work as long as cash is in the system. This is supposed to boost the economy?????? Whose economy????

If it were allowed to happen, not only will you have to pay taxes to the government, but now the banks could take money off the top due to negative interest rates. You would have no other choice (except for barter) since every single transaction you make would have to go through some financial institution and you could be charged(taxed) on every one. You would have to have your "electronic" money somewhere and it makes sense that if that they have to pay you when interest rates are positive, why not take some of your money when rates are negative.

The greed of these large corporations and financial institutions knows no bounds. Believe that! All you have to do is listen to some of the recordings of Enron's power traders during their scam to raise the electric rates. They joked about granny having to dig deep into her medicine money to afford power. All to fill their pockets. That borders on evil.
There's a little prayer about having the strength to change what you can & live w/the things you can't , & the wisdom to know the difference........ Face it , non of us are ever going to change the military/industrial complex that pretty much controls everything.... so smile , enjoy your family & friends & your toys .... remember , it's a short visit , no sense making ones self miserable ....
Good job Mike.
I just pay attention to all sides of a story, rather than letting the Nightly News hypnotize me into believing anything they say.

The earth's climate has always been in a constant state of change.
Shhh, else you'll be confusing people with actual facts. ;) There is some evidence the Arctic ice pack is diminishing in size, but the same scare-mongers that want to go off on those numbers completely overlook the fact that the Antarctic ice pack is reaching record growth numbers.

There is an extract of a type of orange that is as effective as statin drugs for controlling cholesterol. An extract of silk worms that can dissolve artery plagues is available. Both are used regularly in Asia and Europe but not in the US. There are various, natural ways to control blood pressure. The natural products do not have the side effects of the drug company poison.
My doctor insists upon prescribing me a statin, even when my cholesterol numbers are ridiculously low. He writes the prescription, I cross it off the slip, and continue eating oatmeal and cinnamon, to control my cholesterol.

About 16 - 17 years ago, I suddenly started having problems with sinus infections. I had never had any problem before that time, but all of a sudden, I was getting crushing headaches. Call the doctor, pay $75 for an office call, then pay $50 for another round of antibiotics, and wait three or four days for the pain to go away.

Until a pal recommended colloidal silver to me. If I wake up, feeling like I am about to suffer another sinus event, I take a tablespoon of silver. Twelve hours later, I take a second tablespoon. Twelve hours later, I am always feeling chipper again, but I take a third tablespoon, just to be sure. I've not taken any antibiotics in a decade, simply because silver works. And the best part is that the germs and bugs cannot develop immunity from silver, as they can with antibiotics. Naturally, big pharma is on its hind legs, trying to have silver pulled from the market.

I've found an herbal tea that is extremely effective at knocking down common cold symptoms. No drowsiness, no hypertension side-effects, no aching eyes, just simple cold relief.

Have you noticed all the new hospitals being built, everywhere you look? It seems it is easier to simply buy more land, and build a new hospital, than it is to eradicate the staph that thrives in current hospitals. Within the last 3 or 4 years, two, new hospitals have been built in this area.

The food guideline research is largely funded by vegetable oil industry who developed margarine as a replacement for butter because they had more oil than they could ever sell.
Have you ever seen what margarine looks like, before it is bleached? And what is up with that, we have to consume products that have been bleached?!?

See what ya started Mike.
Well, I've always been known as a trouble-maker.

And just to add fuel to the fire, Chase Bank just said that it will no longer accept cash for loan payments and some other transactions. There is a crazy under current in the financial sector to eliminate cash altogether. That will allow the Fed to take interest rates in the negative. Negative rates won't work as long as cash is in the system. This is supposed to boost the economy?????? Whose economy????
I cannot answer that last question, as the truthful response would be viewed as being racist, as well as being anti-... Well, I better not say that, either. But if you are truly paying attention, you already know who owns the banks.

Here is one for you. Vending machines, over on the campus, almost all have card swipes on them. A bottle of any of the Coke products sells for $1.50, so just swipe your card and quench your thirst (whilst taking on more sugar than your body can use in an entire 24-hour period). However, if you elect to use cash, the minimum purchase you can make is $2.00. In other words, be prepared to buy two bottles of sugar, or pay highway robbery prices for a single bottle. I am only one person, so I cannot make a real difference, but my response is to simply refuse to purchase from those machines. I do laugh when people spend that same amount of money for a bottle of water. To show you how dull the typical American shopper is, they have never considered what Evian is, when spelled backwards. Diputs stoidi!

And talk about highway robbery. A report, printed in 2013 clearly showed Nestle was paying $3.71 per million litres of water it was pumping from an Ontario watershed. After pouring this water into single-use, plastic bottles, Nestle would then sell that same quantity of water for as much as $2 million. Hello? That figures out to a 53,908,255% mark-up. How many of you own and operate your own businesses? Can you mark prices up 53.9 million percent and expect to sell anything? How many members do we have from the great State of California? How's the water situation looking out your way? No matter, Nestle is still taking away your water, to sell at stupid prices. Want to know who owns nearly all of the water resources in Pakistan? Nestle. But just shut up and pay your $1.50 for a single bottle of water, and don't even think about collecting rainwater to water your lawn or garden.

You would have to have your "electronic" money somewhere and it makes sense that if that they have to pay you when interest rates are positive, why not take some of your money when rates are negative.
Ding, ding, Ding, we have a winner!

When will Americans wake up and realize the dollars in their pockets are naught but promissory notes to the Rothschilds? The only reason paper money still exists is because foolish people foolishly believe it is still real, and still has value. Everyone frets and worries about a New World Order, but the real truth is the New World Order has existed since Mayer Amschel Rothschild established his first banking business, in the 1760's.

I roll on the floor with laughter, when people insist they will not allow themselves to be micro-chipped. No, sir, no way they will take the mark of the beast upon themselves. Never will they be identified by a number. :roflmao: Uh, can someone please show these maroons the numbers on their credit cards, their debit cards, their grocery store check-cashing cards, their Craftsman tool club cards, their library cards, their personal checks, their Social Security cards, their AARP cards... Need I elaborate further?

Let's face it, if the Super-Blammo grocery store can afford to sell you Acme-brand macaroni and cheese at a discounted rate with your Super-Blammo card, then they can afford to sell Acme-brand macaroni and cheese at a discounted rate to everyone. Of course, if you do not use your Super-Blammo card, the corporation will be forced to track you via your debit card account number, rather than your discount card number. But that won't be so hard, since you typically use both, every time you shop.
Now lets talk about how they misrepresent statistics. "This drug can reduce your chance of XXXX by 50%" Of course, the real chance of XXXX is only 2% and the drug, if given to 100 people will save one from XXXX. A real reduction of 1%. Then with the new statin guidelines they claim anyone over the age of 62 has a 20% chance of heart disease in the next ten years; take the drug. That is 2% per year x 10 years. What they don't tell us is the Forgetfulness Property. For an individual the probability is 2% a year. It does not accumulate. For every year I'm alive it's still 2%. Just another way to scare people into doing something they don't need to do. Unfortunately the AMA is on board with this nonsense and outright lies. I had bad side effects from statins some years ago. Don't take em Mike...just don't.

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