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Gov't Looking To Remove Ownership Of Everything

You know, every once in a great while, Shep manages to get something really right. And if you listen to this one, Shep really gets it right.

Mike Barrett understands what has happened in the Middle East. He rightfully says the Sunnis are going to accept the rebels, long before they will think about accepting Shi'a domination. Ding, ding, ding, someone deserves a gold star on that one. And they both have it figured out - the Sunnis, the Shi'a, and the Kurds don't give two shakes about the nation of Iraq, any more than they cared about the British Mandate of Mesopotamia. Hmmm, Barrett is an anomaly, because he is former military intelligence, which I didn't think was possible.

But it gets extremely interesting, shortly after 3:00.

Barrett: Unfortunately, the Sunnis think we're in bed with the Shi'a. And the Shi'a are convinced we created ISIS.

Shep hits the nail, directly on the thumb with his response: Uhhh, well, aren't the Shi'a right?


And then, pay very close attention to Barrett, as he says, "...we didn't intentionally create it."

I wish the American people could, or would, sit down and watch that short clip, because it says it all. Westerners do not understand tribal alliances. Westerners do not understand those alliances mean everything to these people, and some perceived lines drawn on a map mean absolutely nothing.

I never would have imagined hearing such common sense and truth on Faux Fox News, but there you have it.
U.S. begins training Syrian opposition fighters in Turkey

And here we go, all over again. What's the old saw about those who fail to learn from history being doomed to repeat it?

Why are we spending this money? Why are we wasting this time? Why can no one see this is is just another instance in a long, long list of lose-lose situations.

Watch and see how much money is giving to these alleged opposition fighters, in the form of military supplies. And like we think those rebels will lay down their weapons, should they accomplish their goals? Puhleeze!

Washington is aware the American public is beginning to see through the ISIS/ISIL/IS/Daesh lies, so they are already preparing our next bogeyman, same as they did with the Taliban. Same as they did with the alleged al-Qaeda. Same as they have done with the alleged ISIS/ISIL/IS/Daesh. The only thing we don't know is what this next band of U.S. taxpayer-funded rebels will be called.

What is really sad about all of this is the demonstrable proof that the American public buys into all of this horse exhaust.
Washington is aware the American public is beginning to see through the ISIS/ISIL/IS/Daesh lies said:
Preppers!! Homeland already going after them.
Here is a perfect example of how John Q. TV Dinner gets sucked into corporate, media lies. Ladies and gentlemen, meet Tom Harper, who is apparently willing to report anything on any subject. And damn the veracity, full speed ahead!

(And I really love that it is CNN's George Howell, who walks Harper into the trap of his own making. Ironic, isn't it?)

Pay close attention to some of the absolute tripe, falling out of both mouths.

At 12 seconds, Howell says Harper has 'named unnamed sources'. Huh? What?!?

At 14 seconds, Howell says Harper has reported that officials at Westminster know British files have been breached, and he wants to know how they came by that knowledge. Harper's response? 'Well, uhhmm, I don't know the answer to that.' You stupid prat, you wrote the bloody news story, so what were your bloody sources for the fertilizer that fell out of your pie hole???

He doesn't know, but at 46 seconds, he reminds Howell that he approached Westminster with his so-called 'evidence'. Aye. Right. Of course he did.

And suddenly, at 58 seconds, Harper admits that all he is doing is making allegations. He has no proof. He got his free shot at Eric Snowden, so he swung from his ankles. And suddenly, it is the British government who needs to defend his shoddy journalism, rather than him actually owning it, himself.

Listen to Harper, when asked how the Brits were able to read the files, since they were allegedly encrypted. Harper gives a classic, deer-in-the-headlights look to the camera, and starts looking for the nearest exit.

The he says he has only 'published' (not written, mind, but published) what he believes to be the position of the Brit government. I believe Number 10 now believes Harper to be a poofter of the highest order, but that doesn't make it so, nor does it make it newsworthy. But this ass-hat sold his story, didn't he?

At 2:10, he finally admits he doesn't know Jack Squat, that it is impossible to know anything with great certainty. Yet he still got to take his shot at smearing Eric Snowden's name, didn't he?

Enjoy the 'news' clip, such as it is. And the next time you see something huge, breaking on the news, listen very carefully to what is being said. Because the odds are that you are being told yet another lie. You know, lies like 9/11, or Sandy Hook.


Everyone knows, and even accepts the truth will set them free. The part they try to avoid is how the truth is going to greatly piss them off, prior to their emancipation.
They're really good at distracting the Useful Idiots. Although I don't think it's very difficult to do.

These times are getting real discouraging. The Leftists have got to have some juicy dirt on Boehner and McConnell.

I have NO representation anymore.
I really don't think it's about anyone having any dirt on anyone. Look a couple posts up, where the image says, 'Government is a corporation.' There's the answer to the riddles. In these kinds of instances, the old investigative technique still works best - follow the money. The end game is that our employees are really not working for us, they are working for companies like Monsanto, Pfizer, Merck & Co., and Eli Lilly.

What John Q. TV Dinner will not take the time to learn, is just how destructive the TPP legislature is to this country and her people.

TPP will immediately start off-shoring jobs to low-wage nations. So, can any three year-old tell me what that will do to wages in this country? U.S. businesses will be forced to reduce payroll, in what will amount to a failed bid to compete on the world market.

TPP will immediately result in a loss in environmental, health, labor, and consumer standards. Tell me how that benefits anyone in this country.

TPP will speed up the deregulation of banks, insurance companies, and investment firms.

TPP will put into place longer pharmaceutical patents, which will restrict patient access to generic medications.

TPP will grant U.S. corporations the ability to draft their own sets of laws. For instance, there are now government limits that specify price ceilings on certain pharmaceuticals, so companies like Pfizer, Merch, and Lilly have to sell certain medications at restricted prices to programs like Medicare. Once your politicians have voted TPP in, those same corporations will have the ability to challenge those laws. And if they are not successful in the challenge, they can simply create new regulations. If they have to sell the drug Fukitol at restricted prices to a program like Medicare, then they can say Medicare will have to pony up 100 billion dollars (or more), for the right and ability to offer Fukitol, in the first place. Are there any of you out there on fixed incomes, who can hear what I am saying? And, if you can hear me, why are you not up in arms, trying to stop this madness?!?

But, as is typical with U.S. legislation, TPP is also getting a lot of floor sweepings, in the form of legislation bids that have been previously shot down. We are going to see the latest version of SOPA become law, with the passing of TPP. And believe me, that is forever going to change how you use almost every Web site you visit, including this one.

Get this. Do you want to see the current version of TPP? Fahgit about it, because it ain't gonna happen. If your elected officials want to see TPP, they are only allowed to read it in a closed and guarded environment. But not to worry, because nearly 600 corporate lobbyists have access to TPP, so they are making sure they get what they want from us.

You think the Monsanto GMO problem is already a mess? Just wait, Comrade, because you haven't seen anything, yet. Corporations are already lining up to claim ownership of plant DNA, so they can modify to their hearts' content. So tell me, Comrades, how long until a company, from right here in Amerika, comes along to claim ownership of your DNA?

But you don't care, because the Nightly News has hypnotized you into believing that the only thing that matters is our former Confederate states remove the confederate flag, and that the symbols of the War of Northern Aggression that appear on Stone Mountain are eradicated. The Nightly News is showing you that concepts like responsibility and accountability no longer mean spit, because there is no way you can play the part of a martyr and a victim, if you are responsible for your own actions. The Nightly News shows you scenes of alleged police shootings, as they lull idiots into thinking it is guns who kill people, and not other people who are doing the killing. The Nightly News shows you scenes of alleged school shootings, to lure idiots into demanding stricter gun control laws.

Here's a good one for you. Think of it as your homework. Social media sites are absolutely showing the concept of the six degrees of separation is very real. For those not familiar, what this means is that everyone is only six steps removed, by way of introduction, from every other person on this planet. And look how many times you see friends on MyBook, or FaceSpace, who know your other friends? It's crazy, but it is true.

Now, within your sphere of friends, relatives and acquaintances, find me someone who actually lost a child relative in the alleged Sandy Hook shootings. Pay attention, because I am not asking you to find ten people, or five, or even three. Just find me one, that's all.

I'll make it easier for you. Find me someone who actually lost a family member in the so-called 9/11 attacks. No, I'm not talking about those paid actors on the phony TV documentaries, I want you to find me a single, living, breathing human, who lost a family member on that day. C'mon, Comrade, how hard can that one be? Unkle Sam wants you to believe 2.977 people were killed in those alleged attacks, so that should be a target that even Ray Charles could hit.

Hint - you will not find any answers on Amerika's Nightly News. I know, that won't stop you from tuning in, but the only information you will get there is what they want you to get.

Here, let me get you another cup of Kool-Aid, you look thirsty. Let's quench that thirst, and then you can get back to learning Mandarin.
When you say "alleged attacks" are you saying the World Trade Center is still standing in NY City?
No, to be sure, the towers are gone. And Silverstein made his second fortune, whilst W got his chance at yet another military deployment in the Middle East. None of which mentions the fortunes that outright crooks and thieves, such as Cheney made with the contracts they were handed.

When I say alleged attacks, I am laughing and sneering at the 'official' story of the day, suggesting that a Saudi Arabian multi-millionaire had anything to do with plotting the attacks. You have been taught to believe 19 Muslim men were involved in those attacks, because you are meant the believe Muslims hate us, and likewise, we should hate Muslims. Amerika needs its bogeyman, after all. What you may or may not know is that at least 5 of those 19 men were still alive, in years following the attacks. Amazing what men with box cutters could do, to hijack so many planes, yes? First time in history that had ever happened. Of course, it was also the first time steel-structure buildings had ever collapsed from fires burning within. And it happened not once, not even twice, but it even happened a third time. And in the third instance, no plane was involved, so there was no jet fuel involved, but the building still fell to the ground. And you can be sure of that one, because the BBC broadcast news of WTC-7 falling, a full 20 minutes before it fell. Of course, no one can fully explain that one, either.

What kind of tenants did the World Trade Center buildings house? Offices, right? Walk into any office, anywhere in this country. Tell me what you see. Computers, keyboards, printers, monitors, calculators, typewriters in some older offices, desks, chairs, filing cabinets, telephones, waiting room furniture, etc. Did you ever notice that exactly none of those things were ever found, after the buildings fell? Not even so much as a touchpad from a telephone, or a computer mouse.

Have you ever seen photos from Lockerbie, after Pan-Am 103 went down? I've a pal in Lanark, that still takes metal detectors to Lockerbie, because he can still find parts of that plane, after 26 years. Yet, when Flight 93 went down in Pennsylvania, there was almost no debris field. How does one plane scatter itself everywhere, upon impact, whilst another simply 'vaporizes'? Well, when you just need to believe a plan crashed in Shanksville, there is really no need to waste time creating a movie set to support the story, is there? Just drink the Kool-Aid, and believe the news anchors, that's all you need do.

Yes, those buildings were destroyed on that day. But was that an actual act of terrorism, as the White House and the media want you to believe? Or was it just part of a financial plan, to make rich people richer?
Take a look at what is becoming important in this country. It has naught to do with the fact this country is broke, it has naught to do with the fact the U.S. is about to be dealt a knock-out punch with TPP legislation, it has naught to do with anything like that. No, because, you see, this is important stuff.

Disney bans selfie-sticks. Oh, noes, how are we going to take pictures of ourselves, standing in long lines, waiting to ride rides? How are we going to take pictures of ourselves standing in front of the princess' castle? How are we going to take pictures of ourselves posing with Disney characters? How can I show what I am doing, every second of every day, on my FaceSpace account, because everyone knows they cannot exist without seeing photos of my breakfast, lunch, and dinner plates, as they are served to me. I has to post photos of myself to the InterTubez, else people will not think I have a life.

Uhhhh, gee, does this mean we have to ask someone else to take the photos for us, like we always have?

U.S. officials warn of ISIS-inspired attack through 4 July. Well, this is hardly news-worthy, right? If there is any kind of holiday, or other event, where U.S. citizens might be able to actually enjoy themselves, someone has to dump a jobbie into the punch bowl, to make sure it doesn't happen. But this one actually is worth a second look. Take a look at that headline. It says U.S. officials are warning, not of an attack by ISIS/ISIL/IS/Daesh itself, but of an attack that is inspired by ISIS/ISIL/IS/Daesh. OK, so I am about to go to Syria, where I can buy one of those mass-produced black masks that all self-respecting ISIS/ISIL/IS/Daesh members wear, and then go medieval on someone's backside, for writing and or believing this tripe. :rolleyes:

Since ISIS/ISIL/IS/Daesh is getting all of this press coverage, have you ever wondered why they mask their identities? <in my best Mickey Rooney voice> I have. What, are they not wanting friends and family in Poughkeepsie, Minneapolis, Seattle, St. Louis, Los Angeles, Birmingham, and other American cities to recognize them? Puhleeze!!!

SCOTUS rules on gay marriage. So, tell me, are same-sex marriages legal in your state? Oh. Wait. Remember the embarrassment, when you asked Mom and Dad about where babies came from. Well, it just got a whole lot easier, because now the simple answer will be, from the baby store. Because, no matter what, there will always be those men and women who will remain physically attracted to members of the opposite sex (Ewwwwwww!), and will still make the two-backed beast (Oh, the inhumanity of it all!), thereby producing offspring. I figure now is the time to start investing heavily in adoption clinics, because business is about to start booming.

This one really gets me, right in the... Well, just never you mind where it gets me. There are many human behaviors that are simply not permissible in society. Kleptomaniacs cannot wantonly steal from others. Those with desires to kill cannot start indiscriminately killing other people. I get it, I really do. If I see a hot skirt flashing down the street, is it permissible for me to carry out my initial thoughts? But its OK for gays to say they were born gay, and that should allow them to be married. Oh, OK, so if I think that is an aberration of society, then is it also OK for me to eradicate these individuals on sight?

And people wonder what is wrong with our society? Can they not see the apple cart is upside down, smashed to pieces and on fire?

Here is the winner of the day. Confederate flag controversy spreads to cop's boxers, National Cathedral, and halls of Congress.


One of these flag symbols is apparently offensive to some people. I'll leave it to you to decide which is which.

In the above article, RT writes that, "The moves have come in reaction to the Charleston, South Carolina shooting last Wednesday night, in which nine African-Americans died at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church. Dylann Storm Roof, a white supremacist who later confessed to the killings, had a Confederate flag on his license plate..."

Well, I think we better take a much closer look at Mr. Roof's automobile. I bet it also displayed a registration tag from the State of South Carolina, so we need to abolish the BMV in that state. I don't know what make Mr. Roof's car was, but let's be honest, he likely wouldn't have killed anyone, had he driven another brand of auto. I wonder, do all white supremacists drive the same make of automobile? Aha! I bet there is some sort of conspiracy surrounding those who drive the same make of automobile as Mr. Roof.

Can you believe this is a broad representation of today's national news? Not a word mentioned about how TPP will strip liberties, jobs, and trillions of dollars from this country, the same as NAFTA and CAFTA already have. But hey, let's all drop our drawers, bend over, grab our ankles and get our fair share of the screwing the current administration is about to give this country. And to keep your mind off the searing pain in your jacksie, focus your thoughts on the really important events in the daily news.
Ahhh, now the cheese is starting to bind.

White Americans bigger terror threat than Islamic extremists - study

Check that one out, because if you are a white American, you are now a possible terror threat. And that, my friends, is where the puppet masters have been waiting for this to land, for the last decade and a half. Finally, the bogeyman is no longer a Muslim, or a black man, or a neo-Nazi. The bogeyman is you.
The research, conducted by the New America Foundation, examined the 26 attacks on US soil defined as acts of terror since 9/11, and found that 19 of those attacks were committed by non-Muslims.
What happened? Were Amerikans just not drinking enough of the anti-Islam Kool-Aid? Is that why they are now being singled out as terror threats? Wow, just think, this could also bring about the end of the American flag, which has always been a symbol of freedom and justice. But now, it is just another flag carried by terrorists.

Makes one tend to wonder when and where the insanity will end, doesn't it?
Heh, make no mistake about it, our schools are no longer designed to teach anyone. In this day and age, it is all about indoctrination. Here, kid, memorize and recite this.

View attachment 11306
Oh Man.....Thats Priceless!!!!
Mike, I agree with you 100% on all this. While I do Hi Perf Internal Combustion Engine work.....I am also into other areas of interest, computer wise....
One of the Biggest Torrent sites....while everyone is doing back flips and cart-wheels/summer-salts....over all this horrible Video ripoffs thats totally tearing this country apart....
The biggest majority of the torrents being downloaded are shows that have already been aired on TV. That, and old movies....

Its all smoke and mirrors....its all a sham....By Law, do you even need a drivers license? Think about it....and ask the question, WHY? What, exactly, is a drivers license for? A major way to control you....
Oh Man.....Thats Priceless!!!!

Mike, I agree with you 100% on all this. While I do Hi Perf Internal Combustion Engine work.....I am also into other areas of interest, computer wise....
One of the Biggest Torrent sites....while everyone is doing back flips and cart-wheels/summer-salts....over all this horrible Video ripoffs thats totally tearing this country apart....
The biggest majority of the torrents being downloaded are shows that have already been aired on TV. That, and old movies....

Its all smoke and mirrors....its all a sham....By Law, do you even need a drivers license? Think about it....and ask the question, WHY? What, exactly, is a drivers license for? A major way to control you....

My high school teacher tried to explain new math to me-- she showed me how 1+1=3. I told her the only way 1+1=3 is when a man and a woman had intercourse and a baby was conceived and delivered alive. Needless to say, I flunked math that year.

Soon there will be no currency to use, for all will be in [credits] as depicted in some movies. And if you receive any [credits] from the Gov'mnt, you will have to have a chip implanted in you to keep up with your where abouts and what you use your [credits] for.

Identification is the soul purpose for making sure you are who you say you are. Bank accnts, social security, veterans benefits, voting, all tie us to our identities, for no other reason than to keep track of the populace and to place you in a category specified by the govmnt---or Home Land security. We as a Nation are in BIG trouble Security wise and common sense thrown out the window for what? Aye Mike! I'm on a no fly list- for what I don't know and they [Home Land] won't tell me! Had a Top Secret clearance when working for the govmnt for 10 years. What changed?

Google and other tech savy companies have done EXACTLY as Mike said if you replace the name Skynet with Google you will see everything that the powers to be are doing to the U.S. and its people. Cameras every where, your searches on the interwebs, e-mails and FB-Twitters being read and saved , tracking your moves at the mall by your phone GPS, plus if you look at an item from a company ,[Sportsman's Guide], they will send you a specific e-mail targeting that item for you to buy. All tech savey companies are under the control of govmnt in their respective countries.

Remember OPSEC in all that you do when concerning interwebs and also remember the 3%ers of the USA, for they will be the saving grace of this country when the call of duty arrives. JMHO
Alot of the folks that have big money were wanting to keep it safe, moving the accounts here there and yonder. Well, if you l;eave the US, you can't take all your money with you. If you choose to leave permanently, best not to tell them, they'll steal it.
We are now exactly where Stalin was when he began....
This is not the same country that I grew up in....
Alot of the folks that have big money were wanting to keep it safe, moving the accounts here there and yonder. Well, if you l;eave the US, you can't take all your money with you. If you choose to leave permanently, best not to tell them, they'll steal it.
We are now exactly where Stalin was when he began....
This is not the same country that I grew up in....

As I said before, all Democracies have failed in under 200 years. We are past that date and counting down to failure, manly from within our on borders because we let any and all come here to learn and educate themselves to take over.

Try buying land in a foreign country as a U.S. citizen. Here, anyone can buy what they want if they have the money. Hawaii, Japanese owned, upper mid west farmland, Chinese owned, convenient stores and hotels owned by middle easterners. American dream was to OWN your own land and home. Not so for the govmnt will tax you until you can't pay no more. Taxes are killing me. I still pay on everything I own, and for school taxes, I don't have any children in school any more. And for what they are suppose to teach, HA, even third world countries are teaching more than what the do here in the U.S. I have known people that went to college before they learned anything about U.S. history or world history, and said they wished it hadn't taken them so long to learn about such. JMHO enough said--for now.
Like I told a ole boy back many years ago, you wanna hear about America, get a bunch of old gearheads on the weekend, sitting in the bar, after setting up a rearend in a rod or a dirt car, downing a cold one to cool off, all the advice for politicians to run the country are there for the taking, free of charge....
But don't come in there talking shiet, you'll get hurt, especially in Alabama....
This nation was founded by the 4 Gs as I call them. God-Guns-Guts-Glory. Some may disagree. Teachings were the 3 Rs. Reading-ritin-rithmatic. Necessity is the mother of all inventions. And I don't think it takes a college educated person to be a genius or to invent something to help mankind or himself to make life easier. And if a frog had wings, he wouldn't bust his ass when he landed. Common sense and self reliance is what it will take to survive the future here.
Like I told a ole boy back many years ago, you wanna hear about America, get a bunch of old gearheads on the weekend, sitting in the bar, after setting up a rearend in a rod or a dirt car, downing a cold one to cool off, all the advice for politicians to run the country are there for the taking, free of charge....
But don't come in there talking shiet, you'll get hurt, especially in Alabama....
Yep....Obama is coming up on his out-of-office date. We will be left with can afford it, no-one wants it, and it will break out health care system, or whats left of it. Politicians aren't supposed to be into religion, but they steadily stick their fingers in it. They're not supposed to mess with the Medical stuff, but they do......
What is a politician. What is his purpose. To represent us, right? I think they failed every turn.

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