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Gov't Looking To Remove Ownership Of Everything

I just found another example of the fear-mongering -


And look at the source. None other than the financially-struggling CNN, who is in a battle of its own, to revive its own ratings. Go figure. Of course, I've found this video on a half-dozen sites, none of which will actually play the video for my comedic entertainment. Video, or no video, we can still use that headline to scare people, so run with it. Be afraid, people, be very, very afraid.

Stop and think about this for a moment. These extremely localized rebels are fighting territorial battles in the Middle East, using weapons and equipment funded by the U.S. taxpayer. The rebels do not represent a large enough contingent to receive financial backing in their own countries. But now, it is time to run and hide, because these same rebels are suddenly flush enough to come to this country, to pick a fight. Excuse me, but where is the reward in that bit of nonsense?

Are we back to calling these rebels ISIS? Or is it willy-nilly, if we use ISIS, ISIL, IS, or Daesh? Considering these rebels do not have a collective name for themselves, of course. But hey, we have to put a name on them, in order to identify them, so we care scare the bejabbers out of the CNN crowd.

Next, we'll have a large number of U.S. teens who have been 'brainwashed' on ISI/ISIL/IS/Daesh Web sites, trying to travel to the Middle East, to join ISIS/ISIL/IS/Daesh. You know, over the last 8 - 9 years, I have spent countless, hundreds of hours online, researching Islam. And in all those years, I've never stumbled across anything that could even be confused for a recruitment site. Not even once. But the news agencies keep reporting they are out there, somewhere.
And CNN is doing it again. When I left for work, last evening, they were showing very small, very tiny, localized pockets of looters. When I got home this morning, I saw there were 27 people arrested. TWENTY-SEVEN?!? Wow, the looters were really out in force, now weren't they? Twenty-seven looters required the Maryland governor to declare a state of emergency? :rolleyes:

Ask yourself this - why wasn't CNN showing any footage of the thousands of Baltimore residents who were participating in peaceful protests? Apparently that is not enough to get viewers, so instead of focusing on thousands of legal protesters, let's talk about the 27 bampots who were violating public law.

I would love to know the average number of bad boys the Baltimore police arrest on an average Monday night, to compare it with last night's overwhelming <cough, choke, gag> arrest count.

Just remember, it always has to be us versus them.
Ooooo, we're now up to 235 arrests. In a city of 600,000+ people, in a city that is under a state of emergency, in a city that demands 24-hour news coverage, 235 people have been arrested.

Somehow, the game of 'I'll show you mine if you show me yours' taking place in the Persian Gulf seems to be the news story that begs coverage, but you just never can tell when 6 more people might join the protesters in Baltimore.

How about the alleged, 'unparalleled public interest' in the Petraeus case the media is now claiming, whilst they once gain gloss over the Hill-dog's missing e-mails? Sorry, but if Petraeus deserved to be charged, tried and punished for his misuse of sensitive, government documents, then when is Monica Lewinsky's ex-boyfriend's wife going to be charged with the very same criminal act?

What about all of the lobbying money the tech giants have dumped into Washington, D.C., during the first quarter of 2015? Apple - $1.24 million. Amazon - $1.91 million. Google - $5.47 million. Facebook (?!?) - $2.44 million. Microsoft - $1.91 million. It certainly raises a question in my mind. One, two, three, what are we fightin' for?

Oh. Yeah. None of that means anything, because the entire city of Baltimore is burning. Or so CNN would have you believe.
Ooooo, we're now up to 235 arrests. In a city of 600,000+ people, in a city that is under a state of emergency, in a city that demands 24-hour news coverage, 235 people have been arrested.

Somehow, the game of 'I'll show you mine if you show me yours' taking place in the Persian Gulf seems to be the news story that begs coverage, but you just never can tell when 6 more people might join the protesters in Baltimore.

How about the alleged, 'unparalleled public interest' in the Petraeus case the media is now claiming, whilst they once gain gloss over the Hill-dog's missing e-mails? Sorry, but if Petraeus deserved to be charged, tried and punished for his misuse of sensitive, government documents, then when is Monica Lewinsky's ex-boyfriend's wife going to be charged with the very same criminal act?

What about all of the lobbying money the tech giants have dumped into Washington, D.C., during the first quarter of 2015? Apple - $1.24 million. Amazon - $1.91 million. Google - $5.47 million. Facebook (?!?) - $2.44 million. Microsoft - $1.91 million. It certainly raises a question in my mind. One, two, three, what are we fightin' for?

Oh. Yeah. None of that means anything, because the entire city of Baltimore is burning. Or so CNN would have you believe.

They are just taking your minds off of what they are really doing,taking away more of our freedoms. REVOLT and become a 1%er like our forefathers did!!!!
Bravo T-Test.

You know, at the time of the Revolutionary War, people fought and died over yearly taxes of $5,000 in equivalency to today's money.

Look how far we've come from our founding.
Look how far we've come from our founding.
About the only thing Amerikans will now fight and die for are their favorite team to win the championship, or to get the best deals on Black Friday. Sad, but true. And if you don't believe me, wait until you see brain-dead Amerikans elect the Hill-Dog to the White House.

But that's OK, just drink your fluoridated water and you'll never notice any of it.
About the only thing Amerikans will now fight and die for are their favorite team to win the championship, or to get the best deals on Black Friday. Sad, but true. And if you don't believe me, wait until you see brain-dead Amerikans elect the Hill-Dog to the White House.

But that's OK, just drink your fluoridated water and you'll never notice any of it.

If I thought the Govmnt had my best interest at heart, I'd be a sock puppet like most of its citizens. The American dream was to own your own land and house and be able to do with it as you please. Bull crap to that, they[the Govment] figured a way to tax the hell out of everyone who [owns] anything, and it just never gets [paid] for by up the taxes every year. Boston Tea Party is what we need in the USA to straighten things out and the few who get caught being un American pardoned after the revolt.

My two pet peeves are fire taxes and school taxes. When I was young we had volunteer fire departments. And I don't have any kids in school, which doesn't even teach basic reading,'rithmatic and riting as well as AMERICAN history any more.
And they want 16 year olds voting out here.
But it proves the point that people only learn whatever tripe is shown on TV. Crack a history book? Not a flippin' chance. Watch the wastelands of Amerikan TV? Absolutely.

I deal with these young products of Amerikan higher learning, five nights a week. For the biggest part, they are lost in space. The Oriental students are in the study rooms and the libraries, every night. The Asian students are in the study rooms and the libraries, every night. The Amerikan students? Well, this week was Dead Week, with finals starting on Saturday, so there was a smattering of them in the study rooms and libraries, this week. But only this week, because now the press is on, in order to pass their finals. But for the biggest part, the Amerikan students were standing in massive lines, waiting to get into the more popular gin mills. Tonight is Thirsty Thursday, so the only students in the buildings will be the Orientals and the Asians.

It genuinely shows what the future holds for us. Foreign students are in the school of engineering, and the school of economy, whilst Amerikan students are there to party. For years, I've said Japan could not defeat us on a battlefield, so they are going to defeat us in a boardroom.
Here is another, perfect example of stupidity leading into fear-mongering. And doubtless, scores of outraged e-mail chains and Facebook memes.


Take a hard, long look at this racist piece of dung. This idiot is a retired Lieutenant Colonel of the U.S. Army, as well as a retired Congressman from the 22nd Congressional District of Florida. (Let's hear it for all the Floridians who voted for this racist pig.) He was also the head of the National Center for Policy Analysis. On 11 May, this brain-dead drain on taxpayer dollars published an article, entitled, "Shariah Law Comes to WalMart?"

It seems this racist had made a weekend trip to his local WalMart. When he arrived at the check-out line, his cashier was not able to sell West any alcoholic beverages. Stick around, folks, this is where it gets really rich.

West identifies this young man at the cash register as a 'Muslim'. Not because West had made any inquiry as to the young man's religious beliefs. Not because West had personally witnessed this young man worshipping in a local masjid. Ohhhhh, no, it was none of those things. How about I let West tell it his way -

There was a young man doing the checkout and another Walmart employee came over and put up a sign, "No alcohol products in this lane." So being the inquisitive fella I am, I used my additional set of eyes -- glasses -- to see the young checkout man's name. Let me just say it was NOT "Steve."

I pointed the sign out to Aubrey and her response was a simple question, how is it that this Muslim employee could refuse service to customers based on his religious beliefs, but Christians are being forced to participate in specific events contrary to their religious beliefs?

Boy howdy, that is one astute young lady.

Imagine that, this employee at Walmart refused to just scan a bottle or container of an alcoholic beverage -- and that is acceptable. A Christian business owner declines to participate or provide service to a specific event -- a gay wedding -- which contradicts their faith, and the State crushes them.
Want to know the truth of the matter?

Immediately following this lie-filled bit of Islamophobic invective, West's Web site then published an Editor's Update. Not West admitting his head was jammed squarely up his gaping anal cavity, but an Editor's Update, which said -

EDITOR'S UPDATE: We spoke to the Walmart store, and apparently employees under 21 years old are prohibited from selling cigarettes and alcohol.
Stupid, racist never stopped to think that the young man was no more than a lawful resident of West's community. Instead, West just assumed that because the young cashier's name was not Allen, that he had to be Muslim, and that WalMart was bowing to Shariah law.

Thank everything that is holy the cashier was not of white-European descent, else West's need to spew racist slurs would have gone down the familiar avenue of how 'his people' have been enslaved, mis-treated, down-trodden and persecuted by every white-European that ever drew a breath. And remember, this is an individual that held a position of resposibility and authority in the U.S. Army, as well as being one of our elected law-makers. What a pity that any soldier in the U.S. Army ever had to salute this piece of racist garbage.

This is the way the news networks operate. Let's face it, people, there is absolutely no need for 24 hour news networks. There simply is not 24 hours worth of news to report. So, in order to keep their ratings up, which allows them to continue to sell advertising, the news networks start making up the news. If they have nothing to report, then they manufacture something to report. And the most amazing part of it all is how the American people fall for it. The people of this country have no problem believing every fairy tale they hear on the news networks.

I can show you countless examples of networks like CNN and Fox News lying to you, with supporting evidence of the lies. This nonsense goes on every day of the year. As I mentioned before, the news networks help incite the 'us vs. them' mentality that is destroying our society. I really had to laugh, when I saw Seymour Hersh's challenge to the White House's official narrative of the alleged attack that allegedly killed bin Laden. My initial responce was one of shocked amazement, that a news report would come out to dispell the lies Obama told that night. But when I read Hersh's report, it became obvious that Hersh was only re-spinning the same lies, in a lame and weak attempt to discredit the White House. Lies being used to out other lies? Well to the 24 hours news reports, ladies and gentlemen.
I can't even watch FOX anymore.

I've advanced so far beyond the gobbledygook there that I end up shouting at the TV more than normal.

I just stick to talk radio and shall we say, "right leaning" web sites.
The end game is that if you are watching/listening to a news program that is either funded by a government, or funded by third-party advertising, then you have no hope of any truthful reporting.

A good example of this is a network like ESPN. There are not 24-hour sporting events, so why do we need a 24-hour sprts network? Since there are no events for the majority of each day, ESPN pads its programming with self-proclaimed 'experts', who do talk shows. Take a story like the Patriots and Deflategate, and in a single day, you might have as many as 8 or 10 show hosts talking about whether those footballs were deflated 16% or 18%. My response to that is, who really cares? Report the facts of the findings in a single news report and let;s get on with life.

It's the same with CNN, MSNBC, and Fox News. An event which may, or may not even be newsworthy, gets repeated, over and over, again. Show hosts start inserting their opinions of the event, which is not truthful news reporting. And within a single day, a story can drastically alter the truth about what really happened.

Just yesterday, Punditfact released a report stating that 60% of all Fox News 'facts', are actually lies. Read the 'Pants On Fire' report here.

Watch this video, and see how easily video editors can show you anything that want to show you, via CGI. It is a known fact that CNN was publishing false reports from Gulf War I, using green screen techniques. It is a known fact that an apparent central production facility was producing falsified videos of the alleged events on 11 September 2001. It is a known fact that the news networks were falsifiying reports from the alleged Sandy Hook shootings. It is a known fact that the news networks were hiring actors to script 'man on the street' reports from Syria, during the alleged gas attacks. And some of the most laughable, and poorly produced video have been the so-called ISIS/ISIL/IS/Daesh videos. Good Lord, anyone with a single eye and half a brain can see how poorly edited those green screen videos are. But if we can get a smokin' hot, twenty-something, with legs from Earth all the way to Heaven, wearing a skirt up to her hips, sporting a set of store-bought boobs, sitting in the foreground, whilst these inept ISIS/ISIL/IS/Daesh videos are playing in the background, then your attention is already diverted from the so-called 'terrorist' video. Now, let's get this smokin' hot girl to talk a few decibels above normal, telling you that ISIS/ISIL/IS/Daesh is A) recruiting your children, B) on our soutern border, C) already has hundreds of sleeper agents in this country, D) is ready to attack your home, or E) all of the above, and you are so intent on hearing her bleating voice and looking at those long legs, that you realize you really didn't see the video that was allegedly produced by the CIA, errr, excuse me, by al-CIAda, errrrr, I mean by ISIS/ISIL/IS/Daesh.

If these news agencies cannot truthfully report on all news events, then by what plumbline shall we measure the truth of all their reports? If they will lie to you about one news story, why wouldn't they lie about another?

And please understand the news agencies are not the only ones doing the lying. Remember that night, 4 years back, when the numpty that occupies our Oval Office told you bin Laden had been killed? Remember how he stated the alleged bin Laden remains had been buried at sea, in accordance with Islamic tradition? That, my friends, was an outright lie. ODumbo forgot how to tell a lie. He forgot that lies need to be short and sweet, without any details. But that preening peacock had to strut his stuff, so he went over the line and told a whopper that anyone with a modicum of Islamic knowledge would see as a lie. If a Muslim dies whilst at sea, his or her remains may only be buried at sea if the vesself is over 24 hours away from landfall. A Muslim who does on dry land cannot be buried at sea. You were told a porkie. Of course, this assumes you actually believe a man who was dying of renal failure in July 2001 was still alive, a decade later.

Hey, I better stop typing, and go watch the T & A displays, errrr, I mean the news reports.
Don't believe me on the us vs. them concept? Look at the hullabaloo about the Amtrak crash. A train was running twice the speed limit, but now that has turned into a Red - Blue issue, because the GOP stuck it to Amtrak with a 15% budget cut. And never mind that not a single red cent was cut from rail safety budgeting. But let's take this train wreck and turn it into another divisive Democrat - Republican issue. Us vs. them.

And let's do all of this because Cher, who is a noted and renowned expert on rail safety, says so.
Some people just aren't made for public life. I was just watching a news clip where some clearly uneducated bumpkin was stating that the oil pipeline that caused the Santa Barbara oil spill would have to be carefully inspected, in order to determine what caused it to fail.

Silly goose. Did he not realize he has a built in excuse, one he failed to use to its fullest advantage?

Failure of the pipeline? Blame it on ISIS/ISIL/IS/Daesh, or whatever name the CIA is using, this week.

See how easy that is? Let me clear up some of history's mysteries for you.

What happened to Amelia Earhart? ISIS/ISIL/IS/Daesh.

Who committed the Black Dahlia murder? ISIS/ISIL/IS/Daesh.

Who killed JonBenet Ramsey? ISIS/ISIL/IS/Daesh.

What really happened to your homework, back in 5th grade? ISIS/ISIL/IS/Daesh.

And, guess who it was on the grassy knoll, in Dallas? Yep, you guessed it, it was ISIS/ISIL/IS/Daesh.

Remember to be afraid. Very, very afraid.
What slays me is how neatly all of this plays into the hands of those who are happily stripping liberties from American citizens. And all because those same American citizens refuse to educate themselves.

Fact - The U.S. military-industrial complex (and I am loathe to use such cliche terms, but there you go) makes money when it can sell weapons. And if you have even a passing knowledge of U.S. weapons sales, you will understand it is just not sales to branches of the American military I am referring to. No matter where conflict breaks out, you can be certain Uncle Sam is right there, peddling everything they can peddle. Planes, ordinance, weapons of all sizes and shapes, transport vehicles, you name it. The U.S. is bankrupt, and looking to turn a buck wherever the buck can be turned.

Fact - The previous bogeyman was a shadowy organization known as al-Qaeda, which was allegedly run by a man alternatively known as Usama bin Muhammad bin Awad bin Ladin to the general public, and as Tim Osman to the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency. (And yes, Usama is the correct, phonetic spelling of his name, although during the Bush dynasty presidency, the spelling was changed to Osama, to prevent this so-called terrorist's name from starting with the letters U, S, and A. And yes, there has been conversation about changing the spelling back, in more recent years, as Osama looks far too much like Obama. See how the media has that ring in your nose?) When Usama bin Ladin was touring military bases, here in the U.S., searching for both political support and armaments, the CIA addressed him as Tim Osman. It is a provable fact that the CIA was funneling massive amounts of cash and weapons to the so-called al-Qaeda organization.

Fact - It is known that during the early days of July 2001, Usama bin Muhammad bin Awad bin Ladin was a patient at the American Hospital, located in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. He was receiving daily dialysis treatments, as he was suffering advanced stages of renal failure. His attending physicians gave him a very poor prognosis, with little time to live. Mind, this was in 2001.

Fact - A decade later, in 2011, the current American president announced he had ordered the killing of Usama bin Muhammad bin Awad, bin Ladin, in Abbottabad, Pakistan. There are now other elements about this so-called clandestine attack that are indicating the American president lied, from get-go to gone, about the entire operation. Being familiar with Islamic burial requirements, I know for a fact the president lied, when he said the alleged remains we handled in accordance with Islamic custom. I'll not bore anyone with questions about how American terms of jurisprudence were tossed out the window, in the president's myth, because the truth is obvious. Given a fair trial (as if), in an American court of law, the American government did not have enough evidence to convict anyone of anything. The make-believe bin Ladin had to be 'killed', because the truth would have laid waste to years of White House lies.

Fact - High King and Illustrious Universal Potentate Obama screwed the pooch, royally. He told a magic fairy tale to the American public, which skillfully primed the pump for the start of his re-election bid, but also covered up the transfer of several billions of CIA dollars into the federal coffers, to stave off the financial disaster that would have resulted from the then-current inability to develop a federal budget. Forgot all about that, didn't you? But he overlooked one, key fact, that being that his fairy tale brought an end to the myth of bin Ladin. Was America to be left without benefit of a bogeyman to blame things on?

Well, as it turned out, some fancy footwork made sure that wouldn't happen. And it all turned out quite well. Americans can still blame those 'rag-headed Mozlems' for all their social problems, the military-industrial complex still has customers located in Syria (where all the weapons were being moved, back during the Hill-Dog's Benghazi scandal), the CIA gets to stick around to harvest opium poppies in Afghanistan, and the American media has a brand, spankin', new bogeyman to throw in the faces of the sheeple drones ISIS. Or is it ISIL? Or is it IS? Or is it Daesh? Just what the heck are we calling those rebels, this week?

Because now, Pentagon reports are showing that the U.S. funded the creation of ISIS/ISIL/IS/Daesh, in an attempt to overthrow President Assad of Syria, in order to get the Qatari pipeline built. Don't believe me, read the information for yourself.

Isn't it ironic? One in four American children is now suffering from hunger, but damn that Keystone pipeline to Hell and back again. No way is Obama going to create American jobs, and remove dependency on foreign oil reserves. But that same White House idiot has no problem sending our sons and daughters to the Middle East, along with hundreds of billions of dollars we do not have, just so a Qatari pipeline can be built, which would quite possibly throw the Russian economy clear out the window. In once case, a pipeline is bad, but in the other, a pipeline is good. And in both cases, the economies of two world superpowers are destroyed. Chalk one up for George Soros, who is patiently waiting in the wings.

I have not one ounce of respect for the current president. But back in September 2014, he was pilloried by the media for one of the only truthful public statements he ever made. He mentioned the Islamic State, then pointed out it was neither Islamic, nor was it a State. The alleged actions of these alleged rebels are directly counter to the teachings of the Qur'an, and an group of rebels can call themselves a state all day long, but without being declared a state by a caliph, it just isn't so.

Ladies and gentlemen, the next president of the United States -


And to clarify my position, as soon as this country's people actually elect a leader that deserves respect, I will go back to capitalizing the 'p' in president. Until then...

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