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Head light stand


VIP Member
A couple of years ago I was involved with a T project and the owner wanted to use headlight stands made from a '29 model A headlight bar. We cut and shaped the ends of a bar so they looked like the ones So-Cal sells. They looked great on the car. Problem was, at anything over 40 mph, they would shake. To fix this, we took another headlight bar, cut the ends off and welded them to the center bar. By mounting them beside the radiator shell, the headlights sat just forward of the radiator.

The first picture shows a headlight bar before it was cut and the finished unit. Sorry, I don't have a shot of it installed. The second picture is the same setup on the mock up of my '27.
That's a pretty cool setup. It really fits the style of a '27. Is the '27 a current project? If so, I'd like to see some more pics.
Fred... I should have added.. the headlights mounted on the bar are '29's. Give you any ideas?
Youngster said:
Fred... I should have added.. the headlights mounted on the bar are '29's. Give you any ideas?

Yes, a few actually. I'm doing some sketches now!:rolleyes:
Well, while it works for your car, it seems like it would be too much for mine.:sad: Sometimes less is more.

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