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Hello from Kentucky!


New Member
Hello Bucketheads,
Just got my confirmation page today
Thanks for letting me join your forum
I've had a love for T-buckets my entire life since I was 4 years old
My Dad built one in 1974 but only kept it a couple years
I would see other ones at local Carshows and say I'm going to build me one of those one Day
So I finally did it I got the frame and Body
But having several other projects and honey do's wasn't allowing me to fulfill my dream
After careful consideration I made a decision to trade my 68 Ford truck that I have owned for years for a Bucket
I'm glad I did I finally can go out to my garage and see it every day
I've had a few changes to make and a couple mechanical issues
So I haven't driven it much
But when I did Wow
I look forward to posting some pictures of old and new
And enjoy reading about everyone's Buckets on here
Thanks again
Welcome from St Louis! What is your 'new' bucket like? What kind of body/frame/engine?

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