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Hello from Maryville, Tennessee


New Member
Hello from Maryville, Tennessee! We have been driving, working on, playing with, the old cars & trucks for a lot of years, and it never seems to get old. We moved to Tennessee from California about 7 years ago and found that Tennessee has lots of Hot Rods and lots of hidden Hot Rods, under a tree or behind the barn. Lots of stories behind all of that. Anyway, your site is great. I have a cute little trailer for sale that someone will love to pull behind their bucket, if I can only figure out how to get the photos on. That http thing for getting the photos is throwing me off. Thanks for the chat. Denny & Bonnie
Howdy neighbor!!!! We are in Kodak, TN about 30 miles from you. Give me shout. Here is the shop # 865-932-7541 Ron

When you go to post a pic, as soon as you open the box I hit the delete key to get rid of that http thing then paste my photo link in there. I use photo bucket to host all the pics.
Welcome to the forum Denny from the frozen state of Illinois.

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