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Hi my name is Jason Spruce i live and work on the Central Coast of New South Wales Australia, I work for a local industrial lighting manufacturer as a Machinist / Welder. I spend most of my spare time tinkering in my shed, working on cars and racing my Kart with the local speedway karting club.. I have always been a lover of hotrods particualy T Buckets.. I feel its finaly about time i have a go and build one.. I have aquired a realy good jag rear end and a few other parts.. I am extremely interested in any information / advice in chassis construction relating to a jag rear end bucket chassis, i plan to use the stock coilover shocks as the ones i have are in great condition, i plan to use the conventional droped axle four bar front end, i will most probably run a small block chev, i will run 10inch rims on the rear and 6inch on the front, i plan to fabricate the chassis from 3x2 RHS steel... Im not so much worried about steering box mounts or what not at this stage, more so the actual frame, so any american plans would be ever so helpful.. Would anyone out there have any chassis plans or advice for me? Kind regards Jason Spruce..
Welcome From the USA alot of people on here from Australia.You will like the helpful people here.:swim:
:swim: Jason you have found the right place for help with your planed project. Click on the forums button and go frames and chassis, there you will find some fine frame planes by Youngster (Ron Young) its kind of involved but good reading. Sounds like you have the abilityto build what you want. Good luck and keep posting.:thumbsup:
Welcome Jason :swim:
Welcome to the group Jason.

Welcome aboard, Jason. Great folks here. Quite a bit of Jag expertise, as well. Use the search function for "jag" and you should get a bunch of stuff.
Welcome Jason,
Your right its past time that You start your "T" Bucket.
There are a lot of great people on this site that can help. And you can bet they will tell you how much they all know ! ;) So ask away and get under way !!!!
Enjoy the Ride. From sunny Calif.
Welcome To The Forum. My best friend here in the states owns a company called E.L.S. in Detroit. It's a small world I will ask him if he buys ant products from your company. He sponcers off shore racing, Motor cycles and he don't know it yet but T-BUCKETS! :cool:

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