Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Hi... my name is LumenAL


Well, as I get ready to do my 100th post on this forum, I figured that I might as well do an introduction and tell ya a little about my self. Professionally I’m an architectural lighting designer… I know… what the heck is that…

Anyway I’ve spent a whole lot more time on a Harley Davison and riding around all over the west coast since the early 80’s than I have around hot rods or the street rod scene. I had a 1990 fatboy that after 120,000 miles, was completely torn down and customized.



After build:


Anyway, I entered it into the Seattle Roadster show, semi-custom class where it took best of show… while at that show, I ran into an old buddy, a major car guy that walked around the entire show with me telling me all kinds of stuff about cars… we came upon a T-bucket and I told him how I’ve always wanted one… he said to me, “well, you should get one!” Well that started weeks of thinking, pondering, surfing the net and such until I found this car in Kansas City… I figured $8,500 plus $1,400 for shipping and I was in the game! Here are the shots of the car in Kansas




Well, turned out it needed a lot of work just to make it safe to drive, So I spent eleven months fixing all kinds of stuff that needed attention:

New rear brakes
Replaced all the rear lugs
New Duel Master cylinder (old was single)
Added proportioning valve
New Polished SS rotors (old ones were rust tone)
New Polished Airheart calipers
Re-fabricated mount for steering box (was loose as heck…)
Three new polished SS tie-rod ends for steering links
Straighten steering link
New Electric fuel pump and regulator
Rebuild the radiator (leaked like a sieve)
Rebuild pumpkin – had 4:11 gears, a lot of chunks came out… (Yukon3:35 posi-traction).
New front Hallcraft wire wheels and tires
New chrome Pro front shocks

and some things I did that I wanted to do....

New headers (old were rusty and rattled)
New Unilite distributor
New tunnel ram (sent out to polish)
New carbs (Edlebrock 500 CFMs)
New Lokar kickdown braided cable
New Lokar throttle braided cable
New gas and brake pedels (total performance)
New Old school Edlebrock valve covers
New sparkplug wiring

It ended up looking like this:


Well then I discovered the knocking in the engine was getting worse so my buddy and I tore down the engine and found this:


Yep, supposed to be straight.. well, that started what would ultimately be a whole new car, and don’t even ask what I have invested… way more than I ever thought was even possible! (see link below for detail on project on


But this was it at last years Roadster Show, it’s depute, it took best of class… spent last summer driving it 2400 miles and then did some work to it during the winter, some of which I posted here.

What I’ve enjoyed the most is the camaraderie I’ve established with so many people, the “gang of three” that gets together almost every weekend to work on Dave’s 37 Chevy truck we’re building from ground up, or his 67 396 BBC Camaro we’ve done a lot of work on, or another guys 67 Nova SS we spend 4 months on redoing and prepping for the Roadster show (it also took best in class) or the many wonder folks I’ve “met” on forums like this or the NTBA that I look forward to meeting someday face to face. This in addition to joining a local car club here called the Legends Car Club… put on two shows (200 cars and about 500 cars), raise money for charities with proceeds and am currently vice director… next year is the hot seat!

Anyway, enough about me! :)
Uh, welcome to the forum, new guy!! :) Great story, and what a transformation on your T. Doesn't even look like the same car.

Lumen, I followed your build on hotrodders and I even think I asked a few questions about stuff for mine. You did a GREAT job! I was glad to see you on here and look forward to reading your advice and opinions.

Bro.... that bike it the T*Ts!:)
OK welcome, even though I think you've been here longer. Nice bucket a lot of work in it. I like the Fat Boy too. :)
hi all welcome aboard , ive got 5 motorcycles to , only one is rideable lol i sold a 99 fatboy to buy the bmw i have now , your t looks great
Welcome ... there , it's offical! Kidding aside, I'm very glad you joined the site. You and your T have already been a huge addition here.

Looks like more bike shots might be in order...

I appreciate all the kind words and am very happy to be part of this forum... great interaction and a really good vibe... is that still a word today?

Anyway, had some folks say some nice things about the bike so I figured maybe this is a good place to show ya a couple more shots without my FA on it! :)

We fabricated the rear fender and the tail lights are flush with the fender and shaped like Chile peppers...


One of my favorite details is the skull air intake... reminds me of that scene in the movie the Abbas.


Don't want to scare anyone, but this came to me in a dream... (note: driveway markings are from the wife's exploder, not the Harley!)


As you can see, what we have here is skull-headed chili peppers or as we've come to call Alapenos, kinda a combination of Al and jalapeno... hence the name on the plate


That's about it...
Is that an ostrich skin seat!? Man, your butt rides in style!:)
Mikey said:
Hi Al- Thanks for the rims! Mikey

Welcome Mikey! You gonna give us an intro?:D
Mikey said:
Hi Al- Thanks for the rims! Mikey

You know Mikey, I meant to get back to you... If I remember correctly I was asking for around $300 and your offer was about $150 so I wanted to think about it when a local guy heard from somebody that I had them, called me and offered me $400 for the 2 sets sight unseen... I apologize for not getting back to you to let you know they were sold.


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