Can someone post some info on the ky gatheringI'm planning on it--probably get my dad there too with his '27
Can someone post some info on the ky gathering
On the old forum. Hace T suggested an East Coast T bucket event. Bill came up with the Somerset Summer Nites Cruises They are the last weekend of each summer month. So we are trying to make this work. Bill lives in Somerset and has some good contacts with motels and the Lowes parking lot along with some other things.
So we were talking about the last weekend in June. Not too hot yet, the kids are out of school. It should work out to be a pretty good event.
Hows Paul doing. I really liked him. He was a great guy to hang with at the Red Carpet Inn. He stayed up late sitting outside with me and the rest. My son's all liked his POW T too. I need to get up your way and see you, Rick and Paul. We need to do lunch.