Mike, 3D is cool, but I have limited space around the front end and even more limited tools, LOL.
John, I actually started to draw a kick in the top leg, similar to the bottom leg and got to thinking about it folding up on itself over time. That's how I ended up with picture number five and the middle bracing. But I also "zigged" the kick. Maybe if I "zagged" it, it might work. Could still put the brace in though. May have to draw up one or two of those for fun. Still digging picture #4.
The legs are not equidistant. One is, or most likely will be 6.5 inches and the other is 6 or just under (maybe 5 1/2?), can't remember for sure. Think of the ratio as a 1.1 to 1 or 1.2 to 1.
The first drawing I did, the "master" if you will, I looked at 2" of travel in both directions with the diameter of the shock end (as well as the shock body) and everything cleared. And let's be honest. Wouldn't 4 inches of travel out of one of these front ends be overly optimistic? Swapping the shocks end for end wouldn't gain too much, but could be changed on a whim.
I've got one of those graph templates with nothing but circles in it. I drew the arc for the top of the shock end. I moved the circle back and forth on the arc and at 2" I still had clearance for the shock body, which is wider/bigger than the diameter of the shock end. Plus, with the slightly askew ratio, 4 inches of travel up front, nets me about 3 1/2 inches of movement up top. That should be safe, I believe. There is 5/8" clearance between the shock end and the top of the frame at the top of the travel, and just under 3/8" at 2" of swing. So figure just a hair over 1/8" fall per inch of travel if on a 6" swing.
I scanned this in and then made each drawing off of this "master".