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I wish someone made a body like this


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eBay Motors: Ford : Model T (item 250287572313 end time Sep-02-08 19:52:51 PDT)
Evidently someone did. I checked out the link. I don't know if I like it or not but the car is definitely unique.
Um Grant, Mountain Home Street Rods makes a Tub like that but has no top. Add a top and you've got it.[/IMG}

I wouldn't think a top like that would be to hard to fab. There's a windshield on the bay now for a T truck. That would be about the only T part you would need. The frame for it would be easy enough in either metal or wood. The back window trim is available in repro. The rest of the top is basically flat panels (no compound curves!). The suicide door is a good idea (easy in and out). Verrrrrrry interrrresting!

The builder of the body in T-odd's post is also doing a hard-top. Danny Simer (owner of the car in Todd's post) has drawings of the top. I don't know if Danny is on this board, but Todd knows how to get aholt of him. I am giving some very serious thought to switching to that body.
I like it. It kinda has the look of the late sixties theme T Buckets. There's some good things going on with that build.
I just heard from the owner. The car is 'glass. Sounds like he bought it as a running car.
I kinda like it too.

Slight O/T, but is that style of top made by any of the 'glass bucket companies (Speedway, Tperformance,, rodnrace, etc.)? I'd like to make one myself, but need to try to find some measurements first.
I have never seen one listed but it looks pretty straight forward. if you were to start with a virgin glass bucket, The A and B posts could be made as one piece of wood and run all the way from the floor to the roof. Huummm.....

I don't think I want to think about this any more.

I'm still trying to figure out if I like the car or not. One part of me says it's pretty cool and the other part says that it should be on an episode of The Munsters. I would like to see it up close and personal.
That was my first thought too. I think if you took off the landau irons, wind wings windshield rods and step plates, it would make a big difference. the windshield frame should be plated though. I do like the painted head lights and scoop. The dark paint works well also. Oh yeah, the cowl lights would go on the bay too.

The top is just.........well, yuck. Too flat and too sharp of a corner at the back.
I like my T's topless.
I followed that car on E-bay when it was for sale. Tried to get some info on it but at that time no one knew any thing about it. Now that several peole have posted some up-dated info I can now continue with my new project. I saw the red tub while in MH last summer during the Nats. Some one posted "put a top on that one" and everything clicked. Sure is nice to have ideas from lots of other sources. Thanks to all that made everything come together finally.

"Once a solution is found....the problem seems very easy"

welcome to the site Rotten. tell us about you project. picture illistrations would be cool too. you got the part about sourcing right! this is the place, no doubt!!


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