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ignition switch wiring


Having trouble with wiring ignition switch here is what I have: Batt. from harness to batt. ign. sw.,R from st. to ign. , S from st. to start on ign. switch. , Dist. lead from dist. to ign. on switch. My question is don't I still have to run a lead from the starter bat. lead to the ign. bat. lead. making that a double wire on the ign. bat terminal.
That hurts my head to read. List the terminals on the switch, write down the feeds or sources. We may have something already in the archives, if not someone that can sketch on the post will get something up to help.
Hang on until the games are over.
What terminals do you have on the back of your switch?
I have ST term. in the middle BATT. top IGN. and ACC. my question is I have a red BATT.. IN lead from the fuse panel does that go on the BATT. terminal on the switch. Also do I run a lead from the BATT. on the switch to the solenoid BATT. terminal
BATT is the hot lead in from the battery
IGN run a wire from it to the coil or dist
ST run a wire from it to the starter solenoid
ACC is for the accessories

Be sure to run your alternator and electric fan off of the ACC side of the switch. If you run them off the IGN side the engine may not shut off when you turn the switch to off.
BATT is the hot lead in from the battery
IGN run a wire from it to the coil or dist
ST run a wire from it to the starter solenoid
ACC is for the accessories

Be sure to run your alternator and electric fan off of the ACC side of the switch. If you run them off the IGN side the engine may not shut off when you turn the switch to off.
I still have a Batt. IN coming out of the wiring harness does that also connect to the ST terminal on the switch.
Get a multitester and run a continuity test between the Bat In and the whole fuse block....if its a postive test, I believe they are referring to Battery Power into the fuse block. But that should be Batt. ????? Should be at least a #8 or #6 wire going to the fuse block....
During all my years, I've seen some messed up phrasing and labeling in the electrical diagrams....
Get your Multitester and probe your wires and see which ones it connects to....and let us know....

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