Lynn Chitty
Some may remember me, most don't. I am not "new" here just been gone a long time. NTBA member #11,(hotrod) we put the NTBA together when we all had dial-up (remember "dial-up") we held our meetings on ICQ. It has taken me this long to get a T Bucket, through lean times and a couple bouts with cancer but I am back although I get scanned every 6 months or so for a reoccurrence. I've had the parts several times but circumstances required moving and selling everything off once or twice. My wife Debbie and I are glad to be back and we see so much has changed and yet remains the same, like Bob at Spirit, which is now a conglomerate with Josh in charge at Spirit. I hope that after this China Flu is gone that we can all get together again as I'm looking forward to meeting new friends and getting together with other "old-timers'. I bought my T Bucket from Dennis Pelts from Kennett Missouri, he was a frequent visitor at the Bucket head Bashes and the car was autographed by the Legendary Norm Gabrowski.