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I'm Thruwurkin


New Member
..and want to help my Grandson get started into "Hotrods". I built a Low Boy and a Bucket in the 50s with my Father.

He is 21 and currently interested in 70s and 80s Chev pickups. He has always had an interest in T Buckets and now decided to do his first build.

Currently he is in the Navy aboard a Submarine based in Bangor, WA and is not able to commute the 265 miles to Kennewick very often but when he does he works my a$$ off. Not a big job 'cause I am 71.

I look forward to reading the posts here and gathering tons of info.

Kennewick Man
Thruwurkin said:
..and want to help my Grandson get started into "Hotrods". I built a Low Boy and a Bucket in the 50s with my Father.

He is 19 and currently interested in 70s and 80s Chev pickups. He has always had an interest in T Buckets and now decided to do his first build...

Kennewick Man

Very cool... Keeping up a family legacy!

welcome to the site gramps!! nothing cooler than passing the torch to someone in the family ... kudo's to ya!!

Welcome This is the kind of project that really brings people close making decisions and building a dream. Thank Your son for serving our country for Me also.
Sorry It is your grandson thank him though.
Welcome, hats off to you for bringing another generation into the fold. :D Thanks to your Grandson for serving :cool:

any info you need for a bucket build can be found here, all we ask in return are build pics :lol:

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